White petals gracefully litter the soft, marshy grass the sun and the wind are one today: the perfect day for a wedding, they say my heart jitters like a young white bud, waiting to bloom nervous with excitement for what lies ahead the future floats clearly on the afternoon breeze it’s impossible bright on this perfect day, like all the darkness of our pasts had been erased ours scars fading until they are nothing more than veins of love I could not fathom there ever being a winter again, But kept in the back of my heart the tears shed for those lost in the fray The tears were like rain, our then-empty lives like soil Waiting for life to grow Storms came and still You held my hand And I never forgot the sight of you- on the train, all those long years ago, hair flaming like a blooming flower, eyes like the sky on our wedding day (did you ever think, even then, that we would end up like this?) dumbstruck as I screamed at you, hurt, when you came back to us in the tent the day you came barreling in to rescue me, and I saw the tears that had made paths on your face when you offered to rescue the house elves, and I knew you’d changed, knew you’d do anything for me; before I kissed you for the first time Yesterday you took my hand in the dimming evening light, Pulling me, laughing, Along hills and fields You pointed out tiny, hopeful flowers, just daring to rebuild after all these long years of winter You laid with me on the grass and told me everything you loved and everything you feared and everything you wanted until we both cried You found a shy little rose for me, You were never very good with romance, but you said You wanted to be with me forever You said You’d love me until our rose died; and it was our rose now, because you tapped the little rose with your wand, making it ours Then I knew it would never die, like our love I breathe in the fullness, and other memories come sailing back On this fine spring day I smile in the face of sunshine, because it looks like your face, bright and eager I smile, knowing the day was as eternal As a blooming white rose