Disclaimer: I know I don't own Harry potter
*15 years before*

The house was demolished and they were gone. She stood and watched as people searched the wreckage for any survivors. She knew they would only find a baby boy who would be raised in poor conditions because his family feared what he was but also knew that in the wizarding world he would be thought of always as the boy who lived.

She wanted to go to him but knew that until he was much older would she be able to.

The strongest thought that came to mind over and over again was "How could Sirius have betrayed his best friends and his godson?!"

Harry landed in the courtyard looking around wondering why they had to come to such an open area when Mad-Eye Moody handed him a slip that contained an address before he was able to ask the reason for showing him this paper Moody burned it and told him to wait until they were inside.

That's when he saw the large town house that didn't seem to be there before than. They went to enter when out of no where 2 people landed in front of them. Harry had the distinct feeling he knew these people. One was a tall young woman who looked to be about Harry's age with long dark brown hair, a small waist, with slight build and was about 5ft. 7 in., but she was facing away so they were unable to see her face. The other person was about 6 feet tall with black hair with the build of a light weight boxer. The guy shifted so Harry got a glimpse of his face and Harry says loudly, "Sirius what are you doing here?"

They turned in shock and the young man goes “Harry, wh...what are you doing here? And how'd you know my whole name?"

Confused, Harry responded, "You're my godfather why wouldn't I know your whole name. And if you're here shouldn't you know why I'm here?"

"I'm not your godfather, Harry. Don't you recognize me? It's me Siri; I was Sorted into Gryffindor before you were."

“Hello Harry, Ram... Professor Lupin, Professor Moody, how are you all?" interjected the girl before Harry could say anything.

"Ohh, you all remember my mo...oomf. Hey why'd you elbow me?"

"Sorry, it's dark, I'm Siri's SISTER Genevieve, and you probably don't remember me."

Harry, who had always seen them but had really noticed Genevieve this past school year because she was actually a very pretty girl, and because his best friend Ron had had a big crush on her towards the beginning of the year, started to say something when he was interrupted by Lupin.

"No, I remember you. You look a lot like someone I once knew, and you didn't have to take the exam but if you had you probably would have even surpassed Hermione Granger."

"Wh...Who did I remind you of?" she replied starting to look a little nervous.

"Genevieve Potter-Black, she was Harry's aunt."

“Wait a minute I didn't have another aunt the only aunt I have is Aunt Petunia. Unless you guys forgot to mention the fact that I do."

Moody, who by this point was very annoyed by the fact that they were still standing there instead of interring the house, started hustling every one inside.

When they entered Harry looked around and thought of how his aunt would react to the unseemliness of the house. When Harry remembered that Lupin had mentioned another aunt but before he could say anything Tonks had knocked into a large troll foot shaped umbrella holder. Than a loud shrieking came from a picture of an old woman," Traitors, Foul low some creatures, bringing your FILTH into my house! MORE ugly despicable mudbloods and half mudbloods. GET OUT YOU DISGUSTING FEINDS..."

When out of no where a tall gaunt person with black hair came and started to cover the painting," AND YOU!! You call yourself my son!!! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A TRAITOR BRINGING THESE FOUL BEINGS INTO MY FATHERS HOME.....", as he started to pull it closed Genevieve walked over and started talking to the painting, "SHHH, its alright I'm here now, everything will be fine, shhhh."

"Look what they've brought into our home, theirs a mud-blood in my home Genny." As she was saying thins Genevieve got closer in the painting you could see a young woman in very nice robes of soft blue silk walking over to the woman and placing her hand on the shoulder of the old woman. "Go to sleep mother it’s alright she will get them out so that you can rest," stated the young woman,” and Sirius you should have the young girl come down once a day without any one around. You may cover the portrait now."

"But what are you doing in the portrait with my mother? Please tell me!"

"You will learn why when the time is right."
Sirius covered the painting and turned," Hi Harry, I see you brought friends."

"Actually they landed in front of us. This is Genevieve and her brother Siri. Genevieve Siri this is my godfather..."

"Sirius Black you piece of slim!" exclaimed Genevieve. "You have the balls to call him your godson after what you did to him and his parents. After what you did to ME!"

"Did to you? Who the bloody hell are you to say that?"

"Hah! You were the only one besides James and Dumbledore, who could ever recognize me when I changed shape, and when I change into a form that you and Remus should have recognized me right away." With a strange shiver to her body Genevieve started to change until she looked like an older version of her self and the young lady in the portrait.

Moody being as suspicious as he can be stated," That's not possible for you to be Genevieve! She died not long after James and Lily. Who are you?"

"I'm Genevieve and I only went into hiding to mourn for James and Lily and the life that Harry would have to live because I knew that if he were to live with me it would cause him to come out worse than Lucius Malfoy's brat Draco. Now if you'll excuse me I’m going to my room. Sirius, come."

“Don’t try to order me around. I want an explanation!" exclaimed Sirius.

"She wasn't speaking to you," said Siri," she was speaking to me. I'm coming."

"Wait a minute didn't you say you're brother and sister that's not possible since James and Genevieve were the only two children in the Potter family," Moody announced," and it makes the story of who you are less plausible."

Siri turned and looked at Moody and whispered loud enough for every one to hear but with a trembling to his voice that sounded laced with sadness or fear," She's not my sister, she's my mother. I was the other reason she went into hiding."
*15 years before*

She lay after 12 hours of labor holding a black-haired baby boy, who looked just like his father in the baby pictures she had seen, and all she could do was cry. She cried for the loss of her brother who was taken by Voldemort because of Sirius's betrayal. She cried over that betrayal and the fact that as her son grew older she would always see Sirius's face. That might have been here reason for giving him his father's name but to her he would always be Siri instead of Sirius.

She heard the soft steps of someone arriving and looked up to see Albus Dumbledore standing there.

"How are you feeling my dear?"

"I feel happy knowing he's safe. That Harry is safe and my baby boy Siri."

"Siri? I thought his name was Sirius? No matter what is to happen now?"

"I will go into hiding and raise my son but I have one favor to ask. When Harry comes to Hogwarts allow me to come and you wont have to worry about Siri he will be younger than most but he will have my abilities so can pass off as being the right age to come to the school. Will it be alright?"

"Yes, but you must remember that you cannot tell Harry who you really are until fate or we decide its time. Is that understood?"

"Yes, I understand."

"So you think I'm guilty is that it," Sirius shouted," I'm your husband and was Lily and James' best friend. You knew, and should have known above all else, that I would die before harming them or Harry of my own free will. On top of that you come in here not expecting to tell me who you are and try to hide the fact that I have a son."

"Why should it matter to you whether or not you have a son? By the way did we say he was your son?" Genevieve was sure her emotions were showing but she tried her best to hide them, placing a sneer on her face that she knew could throw anyone off. The problem now was to get Sirius to believe it.

A/n please review