The wind whipping her hair violently around her face and the dark circles under her eyes made her look much older than 16. He could tell that she hadn't slept for weeks and he knew the reason why though she would never admit to it; she was haunted by night terrors every night since her attack. Though she tried to hide her terror, she could not control the screaming caused by her dreams. Therefore, she forced herself to stay awake. It had been two weeks. Tonights nightmare had been so vivid that she could not stand being in the house. So she got out of bed, careful not to wake Hermione, and descended the stairs and broke into a run as soon as she reached the kitchen door. She didn't know where she was running to, all she knew was that she had to keep running. She stopped when she reached a tall hill. It was her favorite hill, one could see all of Ottery St. Catchpole from the top. Once at the top, she fell to her knees and cried. "Gin?" She felt a hand on her back and she jumped violently. For a split second she wished that she hadn't forgotten her wand in her bedroom, until she realized who this new arrival was. "Ginny, what are you doing out here? It is 3 in the morning and a storm is coming. Please come inside before you catch your death." "I'm fine Harry. I couldn't sleep. I'll be in in a moment." She said as she wiped the tears from her face. "You're not fine Gin. Please don't try to pretend with me." Harry stepped forward and caressed her face in his hands and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. "I know you better than anyone else. I can see your pain. Talk to me please." He stared at her and she could see the hurt in his eyes. She had been trying to avoid him since her rape, but it proved to be difficult since he was always there. He never left her side. "There is nothing to discuss. Bad things happen, and it is up to me to overcome them. Alone." She finally broke contact with him and focused on the horizon. She could see storm clouds through the darkness in the distance. "Why do you push me away Gin? You push everyone away. No good can come of you trying to come to terms with this on your own. I tell you everything that is bothering me when I really do not want to. I want to help you and get my Ginny back. I love you!" He gripped her shoulders and forced her to look at him. "Please talk to me!" "Fine!" Her tears had come back full force but she did nothing to stop them this time. For a moment Harry did not think that she was going to speak until finally she said the last thing that he was expecting. "I don't deserve you." She said as she hung her head in defeat and cried. "What? Why on Earth would you think a bloody thing like that?" "Look at me Harry!" She yelled at him as loud as she could. "I'm tainted! I'm not whole any more. Goyle took the greatest gift I had to give to you! I don't deserve you any more. You need someone that is whole and pure and untouched. And she is not me any more." She seemed to run out of steam towards the end and she crumpled to the ground and cried even harder. "And not only am I not good enough for you, I'm ruined as a person. I can never return to being who I use to be. I feel so dirty and alone and I can't trust anyone. I fear that I will look over my shoulder and second guess everything for the rest of my life. I can't even sleep at night. Every time I close my eyes, I can see him. I can feel him and smell him. It is terrifying to have to relive it every damn night!" Harry fell beside her and pulled her into his embrace. He held her tightly while she cried not sure of what to make of what she had just told him. "Gin, I could never look at you as tainted. Look at me." He lifted her face with his finger. "I love you and absolutely nothing is going to change that. You can try to run from me and push me away, but I am never going to leave you. Never." He lowered his forehead to hers and whispered "Never" before kissing her gently. For a moment, she forgot about the world and its terrors and all that existed was Harry. They pulled apart and he helped her up before he slid his arms around her waist and she leaned against him. "Gin?" "Yes?" "There is a battle ahead and much pain and suffering will come with it. I want to be there with you by my side every step of the way. Through every triumph and downfall. I want to protect you and love you and honor you for this lifetime and the next. Ginevra Molly Weasley, will you please marry me?" He pulled a delicate ring out of his pajama pocket and placed it on her finger. She stared awestruck at the ring for what seemed an eternity before she lifted her eyes to Harry and whispered "yes". Then louder she screamed "Yes!" leaping into his arms and kissing him with everything she had in her. Maybe she wouldn't have to overcome her fears alone after all.