The last thing Sirius remembered was the duel. He and Bellatrix had been dulling to the death in the Department of Mysteries. He remembered hoping that she would just die so he could see his godson. He also remembered hearing the curse fall from her lips as he laughed at her. Lastly, he remembered the green light as it his him and he fell, straight down into the veil, into nothing. Sirius woke up screaming bloody murder. “Padfoot? Are you ok mate?” A voice asked worriedly. For some reason, Sirius recognized the voice, but either he had just forgotten it, or he had hid it from his memory, Sirius didn’t know. “Mate?” This time the curtain around him was pulled opened, and this time he saw the speaker. He fell unconscious. It was just Harry I saw. Sirius’s head told himself coldly. They do look a lot alike, but not that much. His heart argued. Sirius groaned. He was used to this, he really was. His head and heart had always argued with each other for as long as he could remember. It was like he had two consciences telling him their own opinion over everything. Really not helping people. Sirius told them dryly. What? You can’t honestly believe that was James, can you? His head replied with a sneer. So Harry suddenly decided to call him Padfoot? Oh yes, that makes much more sense! His heart said sarcastically. Before Sirius could reply, he heard a voice from the real world. “I don’t know what happened professor! One minuet he was sound asleep, next he was screaming, then he lost consciousness! All I did was ask him if he was ok, and then he just… fell. What do you think, Professor Dumbledore?” It was the same voice from before. The same voice that made his heart stop and break all in a matter of seconds. “I don’t know Mr. Potter, but I promise I will find out what happened, ok?” Dumbledore’s voice sounded grave, and for a while Sirius didn’t know why. Then it hit him. He’s this freaked out, because of me? He asked the voices in his head. Yup! No really? “Now, Mr. Potter, I promise to get you if anything has changed in the morning. However, for now it’s best you go back to your common room. I’m sure Mr. Lupin is just as worried, so go be worried together,” Dumbledore’s voice held no room for arguments. “Fine, professor,” the voice replied in a slightly cold tone. It was respectful, it just wasn’t very pleased. Footsteps and a door slamming shut signaled his exit. “You may open your eyes now, Mr. Black,” Dumbledore’s voice sounded amused yet slightly strained. Sirius forced his eyes open. “How’d you know?” He asked with a forced laugh. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. “I know many things, Mr. Black. Somebody pretending to be sleeping? That’s an easy one. Now, I have one question. If you answer this correctly, you have nothing to worry about. However, if you answer this how I think you will, this is only the beginning.” “What’s that Dumbledore?” Sirius asked raising an eyebrow of his own. “Professor Dumbledore,” Dumbledore corrected gently. Sirius forced another laugh. “You haven’t made me call you professor since school!” Sirius said with a fake smile. Inside, he was praying that Dumbledore would laugh it off. Tell him that he just forgets who his students are now, and who his students were then. Instead, Dumbledore’s eyes closed. “What year is it, Mr. Black?” He asked warily. “1995,” Sirius answered as calmly as he could. “Wrong, Mr. Black. The year is 1975, and you are but a 15 year old student.” We’re fucked. We’re fucked. “We’re fucked.” ******************************************************************** A/N I know I should be updating my other stories, but this wouldn't leave my head! Please tell me what you think in a nice review! And to help you write your review, I will ask you some questions. 1) What do you think so far? 2) Is the writing ok? 3) Should Sirius tell Dumbledore everything? If not, what should he say? 4) What do you want Sirius to say to the other marauders, if anything? 5) What type of girl should Sirius fall for?