"Malfoy. G-get y-your hands off-f of h-her!" Neville Longbottom's voice echoed while he studdered. It was obvious to Hermione that Neville was scared of Malfoy. "Longbottom." Malfoy let Hermione go, then walked over to him. "This is none of your damn business." He tried to punch him, but Neville was faster. Hermione stared in awe as Neville's left fist met Malfoy's right cheek. "Come on Hermione!" Neville grabbed her hand, and practically dragged her to the Gryffindor Tower. "Are you alright, Mione?" Neville sat her down on an over-stuffed, red chair. "Yeah, yeah, Neville, how did you do that? I mean, that was.... wow." Hermione smiled as Neville blushed. "Neville?" Hermione could feel stare frome behind her. She turned. "Oh, hello, Harry." She smiled. "Hermione, where's Ron?" Hermione frowned as Harry looked at her questioningly. "He's.... in the Hospital Wing...." Hermione looked away from Harry. She saw Harry run out of the Common Room. "Hermione? Uh..... I, uh, like your outfit." Hermione stared at Neville and smiled. It was not like Neville to say something like that.... especially about her outfits. "Oh, really? What do you like about it?" Hermione looked at Neville. Neville turned from a pink-ish colour to a dark scarlet. "Uh...." Neville looked at his watch. "Uh, I have to go... i don't want to be late for.... Quidditch practice...." Hermione knew that he was lying. Today is Friday. Quidditch practice takes place on Tuesdays for Gryffindor. Doy. She knew this because Ron always left with Harry for Quidditch practice, and she hated it when Ron wasn't around her. "Oh... OK. Bye Neville." After he left, Hermione started to laugh. "Merlin, he is really bad at lying." "What's so funny?" A female voice in front of her asked. Hermione looked up and stopped laughing, but kept smiling. "Every guy that I talk to likes my outfit. But you know that I love your brother." Hermione softened her voice. "Oh, I know. I'm a Weasley. I always know." She paused. "Well, not all Weasleys know. Example: My brother." She sat across her. "Ginny.... Do you and Harry... still--" she was cut off by Ginny. "Yes. But Harry and I don't hang out as much any more..... I kinda miss him." Ginny sighed, layed her head back, and closed her eyes. "Merlin I miss him." Hermione heard her whisper. "Why don't you talk to him? I mean, he's in the Hospital wing." Ginny quickly shot her head up. "What?!?!" Hermione shook her head. "No, he's seeing Ron." Ginny looked at Hermione. "THAT'S NOT HELPING ANY!!!" Ginny quickly ran out, Hermione followed.
"Ow. Merlin that hurt...." Ron was awake and talking to Harry. "Well, it was thrown at your head." Harry laughed slightly. "Where's Mione?" Ron looked around disappointed. "Well, she's in the Com--" Two large doors opening, and two girls rushing in, cut his sentence off. "Hermione! Ginny!" Ron smiled brightly, then grabbed his head. "Ouch!" "Ron, are you alright?" Ginny ran over to him then embraced him. "Can't. Breathe. Geroff me..." Ginny let him go and smiled. "Ron. How are ya? Your head alright? Ron, I'm sorry." Hermione walked over to him then grabbed his hand. Ron looked up at her questioningly. "Sorry about what?" Hermione looked at Ron. "Uh...." Hermione smiled confusedly at him. How am I supposed to tell him about what --ewe-- Malfoy did to --ewe-- me? "Ron, I--"
Add on to this if you have an IDEA to what would sound good! I'd aprreciate it if you do! I love other people's IDEAs.