Learning Curve Harry travelled to Hogwarts the day before term started in order to get settled. Over the remainder of the summer he, Ginny, Ron and Hermione, sometimes aided with Remus, had been planning his lessons and clubs. He, with Remus, Kingsley and Moody had worked two hours everyday on numerous things, varying from basic wand-less magic to pulling off unforgivables (Moody had insisted) on insects, and dodging spells to offensive martial arts. Harry and Remus had been working their fingers to the bone on the Animagus spell (all they needed was the potion), they had discovered like his father before him, he would become a stag. Harry had shrunk all the belongings he was taking with him, and put Sirius in a basket, he allowed Hedwig to fly to Hogwarts. Once Harry all his luggage was minimised (bike included) and put it in a rucksack he took hold of Fawkes’ tail feathers and in a flash of light he was standing in the entrance hall of Hogwarts. “Home, sweet, home.” he muttered and left following Fawkes towards the Gargoyle that lead to Dumbledore’s old quarters. The castle was loud and echoed a lot when it was empty. As he turned the corner towards the gargoyle, there was a voice behind him. “Potter. Wait.” He turned to see Professor McGonagall running down the corridor to catch up with him. He stopped and waited. “Hi, Professor, you okay?” He looked at her flushed face, she was obviously not used to running. “I’m fine, Harry. And since we’re now working together call me Minerva.” she allowed herself a smile, and then went on. “We find ourselves in an unusual predicament today. You see the quarters Albus left for you, they are only meant to be used by the headmaster of Hogwarts. It had been since the age after the founders. We do not know if the gargoyle will accept you as the new owner of the office.” She explained. “Right, so how do we find out?” he asked, he was wondering how you found out if a room was now owned by somebody else. “The password goes back to the default, which is ‘Hogwarts’. The founders weren’t that imaginative.” Harry grinned. “I’ll go see now, Pro-, Minerva.” They walked down to the gargoyle. Harry looked up at the gargoyle. Harry took a breath and said, “Hogwarts for all.” The gargoyle moved out of the way to revel a spiral escalating staircase. He took one step onto it. “Now understand, Harry. These offices and living quarters are yours. They latch on to the owner’s thoughts and likes. It decorates itself to the owner’s specification. It can sense what you want it to be. You’ll find instructions for the items and the rest of the office on the table. In about three hours there’s a staff meeting, you know where the staff room is. A new head of Gryffindor house needs to be selected. See you later, Harry.” “Bye, Minerva.” Said Harry as the new head teacher turned and walked back down the stairs. He opened the door and it was a blaze of colour. It was decked out in Gryffindor colours; the carpet was a deep soft red. The walls were yellow and all the fittings and wooden objects were either beep warm brown of gold. There was a wooden box sat on the desk. Harry opened it to find a mahogany wand. A small roll of parchment told him it was fourteen inch mahogany with a lion’s whisker and phoenix tail feather core. Harry picked it up, and as he did he felt a rush of energy flow through him, his hair stood up on end and he felt like he was floating. He noticed at the end which he held was carved a small lion head. Slowly Harry placed the wand back in the box, the energy suddenly leaving him. He found an envelope on the desk addressed to him in the familiar curved handwriting. Suddenly remembering something else he dug into his back pack and retrieved his shrunken trunk, re-enlarging it he opened it and picked out a scroll. His rules for his conduct and place at the school. He tore the seal off and unrolled it, sitting down in the chair behind the desk he read the rules made for him. HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY RULES AND CODE OF CONDUCT FOR H.J.POTTER As written for him by M. McGonagall, F. Flitwick, P. Sprout and H. Slughorn He WILL be able to carry out any relationships romantic or otherwise with ex-classmates He IS expected to treat all students equally, regardless of which house they belong He IS allowed to dock and give house points He IS allowed to play Quidditch He WILL be expected to come to ALL staff meetings He IS allowed ALL boundaries that fellow teachers have He WILL arrive on time to each and every one of his classes and club times. He CAN leave the grounds when he wishes, once he has alerted somebody He WILL NOT be allowed to excuse R. Weasley, H. Granger and G. Weasley, or any other student from being out of bounds He IS allowed to let students in to his quarters and if they stay there till after hours they will be expected to stay there. These are the rules for H.J. Potter. Signed Minerva McGonagall (Headmistress) Harry thought all the rules reasonable he turned to the letter Dumbledore had left him; he tore it open and started to read. Dear Harry, If you are reading this, I am no more and you are sitting where I am sitting now. I have just come from Gringotts after stating my final wishes. I do not know how I died, but I am sure you did everything I would allow to prevent my demise. I am sorry for your loss and mine. Now I am going to explain why I left you several things. And enclosed are instructions on how to use my other ’knick knacks’. I left you Gryffindor’s wand because any direct descendant can use it. If you trace the Potter family tree back through the centuries you are the direct descendant of Godric Gryffindor. The lion whisker is to indicate the purity, courage and loyalty that all Gryffindor’s possess. The phoenix feather is from Gryffindor’s own pet or familiar, which was the parent bird of the one, which is I have no doubt is sitting on his perch looking at you with the same look he is giving me now. I left Tom, Slytherin’s wand because he will no doubt feel the same connection to it you felt from Gryffindor’s. The only difference is he is pulling all the ruthlessness, self-importance and pride that Slytherin prided himself on. The difference is how these qualities show themselves. You will absorb all the love and pure emotion that Gryffindor had towards life and everything and body part of it. Whilst Tom will absorb all of Slytherin’s qualities which will manifest themselves as even more hatred, rage and over-confidence which will ultimately be Voldemort’s down fall, for the last battle you will fight with Gryffindor’s wand, to make it more powerful you must concentrate all you love, all your emotion for the people around you and use it against Voldemort. I have complete confidence in you. Even though I know you won’t have sought the whole leadership of the Order, even though I left it to you, Minerva will still help you anyway possible. There are two other weapons I have left for you to use against Tom Riddle. One is the one and only Gryffindor’s sword, when combined with his wand it makes a powerful, magical blade, which is filled with love and hope, it is the only weapon that can kill the creatures that live of sadness and despair. I am of course talking of Dementors Harry. Only the heir of Gryffindor can wield the blade that, Harry, is you. The Blade is also one of the easiest ways of Destroying a Horcrux. A Horcrux, as an object of evil, murder and greed, will have no chance against a tool of pure light. As for finding the remainder if the Horcruxes you will find clues for the Ravenclaw’s item at a place of great knowledge. That is all I know. I also leave you my pensive and a memory. A memory of the one person Tom Riddle ever loved. Moria Terry. He affectively killed her, it is one of the only things that he feels remorse for. I was unfortunate enough or as it seems now fortunate enough to witness the event. Remember it well and force it into his mind when he intrudes, he will be weakened by it. I require Fawkes be there when you finally defeat him for it will be final if a phoenix is there. He will represent the death of a grave era and the rebirth of a new glorious time. Good luck, Harry. Do not morn my death for it is the next great adventure, remember that. And remember this also, with the closing of one door, another opens. Yours A. Dumbledore Harry looked from the box with the wand in to the sword; it was if all problems had been answered, he had a way of killing Voldemort, ridding the earth of Dementors and of actually getting a relatively normal life. He grinned, even beyond the grave Dumbledore was a pain in Voldemort’s Arse.
After Harry had sorted all notes, books and letters on his new desk he decided to explore the rest of his new quarters. As he turned he heard a whining. “Damn.” he rushed over to a carry basket. “Sorry, boy.” he said as he opened it and the three headed dog jumped out and licked his hand. He patted the dog’s back. He then approached the stairs at the back of the office. Sirius followed him and Fawkes flew up and perched on his shoulder. He climbed up the stairs and through an archway. He was in a large drawing room, the walls were covered in a large tree design, and the carpet was the same deep red as the office floor. There was a fireplace with a table and settees that matched the ones that resided in Gryffindor’s common room. As he walked towards the opposite door he noticed that the walls had writing on. As he examined it closer he realised it was names, and faces. It was like the Black family tree, except Harry peered at the names, it was all the Potters and some of the Evans’. Harry followed the tree to the door he had entered where there were two names; Godric Gryffindor and Mary Synmore. Harry grinned; he would have to examine this when he had more time. He walked through another door to find what looked like a library, it was about half the size of Hogwarts library, but it was big enough. There were bookshelves reaching up to the ceiling going all around the room, there were rows of book shelves in the centre of the room, this room again was carpeted in deep red, the walls were invisible, but the shelves were dark varnished wood and the ceiling was stone arched, like that of a church or a cathedral. Exiting this room Harry entered the next room, it was a bedroom, it was the same Gryffindor carpets and one wall was a large window and glass door leading out to balcony. The bed was a king size four-poster. It had a wardrobe and sets of drawers set in to the walls. Harry went back in to his family tree room and went into the last room, it was a large bathroom. It reminded Harry overly of the prefect’s bathroom he used in fourth year. The toilet did, however, have a purple furry cover over the top. The walls and ceiling was hospital white and the floor was black, white and blue tiled. Going back into the office Harry dragged all his belongings up to his room and until the time of the staff meeting, occupied himself by sorting out all his belongings. He propped his broom by the large window and put his motorcycle in the balcony, and covered it with the sheet it was originally covered with (which he and Remus had discovered was enchanted to be weather proof). All his clothes went in to the drawers and wardrobe, his books and notes went out onto the family tree room table. As he set the last of the books on the table he noticed the time on the clock on the mantle piece. He had to get to the staff room in five minutes. He ran down to the office, opening the door and running down the stair case, he opened the gargoyle and ran down the corridor. When Harry finally got in to the staff room he saw he was one of the last to arrive. Harry had been into the staff room twice before. Once in his first year, where he had witnessed Snape trying to tend to a bitten leg, and once in third year where they had banished a boggart from the wardrobe at the far end. The room was large a wooden panelled; it was full of old armchairs. McGonagall had already arrived, and was sitting in a high back chair with a tartan cover. Professors Trelawney and Sprout were sitting on a sofa together. Filch, the caretaker, was standing in a corner his cat Mrs. Morris in his arms. Professor Sinistra was talking to Firenze, the centaur, who was squatted on the floor near a window, Professor Binns’ the only ghost teacher, was floating absentmindedly near the door. Professor Slughorn was talking to Professor Vector. Madam Pince and Madam Pomfrey were talking in quiet voices. Harry settled himself in an old leather arm chair, and watched as others arrived. Professor Lingua walked in with Professor Flitwick; they seemed to be holding a conversation/ argument about the importance of Runes in Charms. Hagrid walked in he spotted Harry and strode over and pulled up a large armchair big enough for him. Lastly Remus walked in he came over and sat on Harry’s other side, gave him a quick smile and turned to McGonagall, who nodded, looked round the room and cleared her voice. “My fellow teachers, this is the usual before term meeting, first I would like to welcome Harry Potter to our teaching staff, Dumbledore left explicit instructions that Harry be put in charge of his own Duelling class and advance defence club. And I would also like to welcome back Remus Lupin., who is here to take his position of four years ago of DADA teacher. “due to recent occurrences I wish to tell you, that Hogwarts will be having the same precautions that was placed upon it that it had sixteen years ago. The patrols by teachers at night will be increased; the number of teachers occupying the students to Hogsmeade will also be increased. All students must be in the castle by nightfall, I must express the importance of house unity this year, I will hope you will all try to join and increase the house interaction. “The last order of business we need to decide who will be head of Gryffindor house, I, myself can no longer hold the position and that of headmistress, the professor will of course will have to have been in Gryffindor themselves. This leaves Remus, Sibyll and Harry.” “I personally am absent too often to be a head of house.” said Remus. All teachers nodded understandingly. “I have no interest in such mundane matters. It would cause too many outing into the main school, which would cause my inner-eye to be clouded.” Said Trelawney, in her usual misty voice. “Harry, would you like to be Head of Gryffindor house, Remus and I will be sure to help and advise.” McGonagall looked at Harry. “I will try Pro- Minerva.” Harry nodded, and the other teachers who knew Harry nodded.
The meeting was over and Harry and Remus were sitting in Harry’s office. Harry had just read Dumbledore’s letter to Remus. Harry had left out the part about the Horcruxes. At mention of the swords capability of killing Dementors Remus’ face had split into a grin. “This is amazing, Harry. People have been trying to discover ways of killing Dementors for hundreds of years, you with the wand and sword will finally be able to do that.” Remus was babbling. “I know, the question is will I be able to get close enough to kill one, with out me collapsing into a shaking nervous wreck on the floor?” Harry replied with a grave face. “Eat lot’s of chocolate before you face them.” Remus said a smile still on his face. “Well that might work, or…” Harry trailed off. “Or what?” Remus could tell Harry was thinking about something. “Prongs. Can you touch, or ride a Patronus?” Harry asked the werewolf. “I don’t know. Always worth a try. Why not now?” Remus could see what Harry was planning. “I know James would love to take part in killing the Dementors, they affected him almost as badly as they do you.” Harry took out his wand. “Expecto Patronum!” Harry yelled, thinking of Ginny and him falling asleep earlier that summer. A large silvery stag erupted out of his wand. “Prongs, over here!” Harry called at the stag, it came towards Harry and Harry hoisted himself on to the stags back. The stag ran around the room once, Harry clinging to its back. It came to a stop in front of Remus and disappeared, Harry falling through the air and landing on his feet. Remus was laughing. “God! That reminded me of when your dad and Sirius were late for James’s own wedding. They were about a mile away, so James transformed and Sirius got on to his back. Everyone was worried that the groom and best man had decided to go to the pub or something, and then the doors of the groom’s room burst open. Lily was throwing a complete bitch fit, Wormtail and I were cowering. And then a Stag with Sirius holding on to its back looking quite ill appeared in the door way. It was bloody brilliant.” As they often did when he was talking about the adventures of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, Remus’ eyes glazed over as he talked. He snapped back to the present. “So you think you could hold on to Prongs while wielding Gryffindor’s sword?” He asked Harry. “Suppose I’ll have to won’t I?” Harry shrugged. “Right now I want to try and sort out my first lesson, in two days time.” Remus nodded, “nervous?” “A bit.” Harry admitted. “After all I’ve been through, teaching a class shouldn’t be that hard…Should it?” Remus laughed. “That’s what James said when he first got a job here.” “Dad worked at Hogwarts?” asked Harry. “Oh, yeah. DADA Professor. For one year. He had the highest standing marks of that decade in his OWLs. From what I heard just recently has someone beaten his scores.” “Who?” Remus looked at Harry. “You. Your dad would have been as proud as anything if he had heard.” Harry grinned. “After hearing that I think I maybe ready.” “I hope so. ‘Cos the Slytherins and Gryffindors give you hell.”
Harry awoke at about ten on the first of September. It was a bright and hot day; personally Harry was glad he did not have to go on the train with the others. He threw open the balcony door and went out, being one of the highest points in the school, the wind was breezy and Harry felt like he was flying with out actually doing so. Noticing the wind was soft the thought it would be a good opportunity to go out on his bike. He pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, pulling the leather jacket on he pulled his Quidditch gloves from his trunk. Sitting on the bike he pulled on the helmet. Gripping the handlebars, Harry kicked started the engine. Revving the engine a few times, he released the brake and he circled the balcony, getting the feel for the bike. He hit a red button on the left handlebar. The bike gave a jump into the air and it was suspended there, still going forwards. He pulled up on the handlebars and the bike went higher, pushing down the bike went lower. He accelerated and the bike entered a dive. He pulled up at the right moment skimming the surface of the lake. The exhilaration and adrenaline was totally different to that of a broom stick. He pulled up again and kept doing so until the bike had done a complete loop. Spotting Remus walking up to the Owlery he made his way down, as he approached Remus, Harry revved the engine hard. Remus turned round and Harry was faced with some one that wasn’t Remus. His hair was the same brown, but he wasn’t balding and he didn’t have Remus’ pales sickly look about him. “R…Remus?” The man tipped his head backwards, and he let out a loud laugh. “No, mate, ’fraid not. I’m Romulus, Remus’ older brother. I’m just visiting him. And getting the lesson plans” Romulus peered at Harry intently. “He was right though, you do look like James.” “I’ve been told. So you’re not a wer-?” “A Werewolf? No, I’m not, I’ve been asked up here to help out with Remus’ classes when he preoccupied. And I’m helping with the research for the Order with my free time.” Harry could not help but like this man. He was what Harry imagined Remus to have been like if he had not been a werewolf. “Did you go to Hogwarts?” “Yeah, I was in sixth year when the marauders came to school. I was their third favourite target. After Filch and Snape.” “So Remus didn’t cut you any slack?” “Nope. Families better you see. It proves what you’re capable of. Frogspawn in my bed was on hell of an achivement on my little brother’s part. Especially I was in the Hufflepuff dorm. They left a little note and all.” “Yeah I heard they were pranksters.” to Harry this was an understatement, Romulus seemed to think so to. “Pranksters? They were the best. In the two years they were at the school when I still was, they only got caught once red-handed. Your dad and Black were two of the smartest people in the school. Me on the other hand,” he looked down, “not so, it’s partly my fault they found out about Remus’ condition. Kept calling him the name I called him at home.” “Moony?” Harry guessed. “Yes, the name he became known by in the marauders. When they figured what he was and refused to desert him, he became happier than I had ever seen him before. He was a new person.” the dreamy look that sometimes entered Remus’ eyes entered Romulus’. “If you knew my dad, Sirius and the Rat, did you know my mum?” Harry had always heard so much about the marauders no one had told him about his mum. “Quiet girl, preferred homework and studying to boys and make-up. Used to commentate at the Quidditch matches. Took every opportunity to embarrass James out on the pitch. Liked your dad for the first few weeks of their first year and then they had a major fall-out. Something about playing chicken on brooms with Snape.” “Was he as arrogant and pig-headed as everyone says he was?” “Yes and no. he was a show off, but he was brave and caring, from what I hear like you. He never backed down from a challenge, a loyal friend and he did anything to stop people he cared about getting hurt, and his actions are what earned him the reputation of being arrogant.” “What about Snape? He always cursed him.” “Yes when he got a chance your dad always cursed Snape, but that went back to their first year. Snape hurt Remus, it almost cost Remus his life. Snape nearly threw Remus off of the Astronomy tower, and James and Sirius being Remus’ two best friends immediately went to help.” “So it was a two-way thing?” Harry asked. “Yes, except your dad never cursed Snape from behind his back directly. Snape took every opportunity to curse, hex or jinx James no matter what direction he was facing.” “Oh, okay. Well I got to go; I need to get ready for the feast. And sort out D.A. meetings.” “Okay, I need to post a letter then I need to get home or my wife’ll kill me, worse than Remus on a full moon.” Romulus waved and continued to walk up to the Owlery. Harry kicked start the bike and took off, flying back to his balcony. He had certainly learnt more about his dad and mum, it was quite a learning curve. A/N: I’m on my knees in front of my computer, praying for reviews. Chapter Eight: He started by taking the register. He then turned to the class. “Right you know who I am. Well you should do since you’ve been going to school with me for three years, you have heard about the things I’ve done lets leave it at that. Right I need to know at what level you are duelling at the moment, so I will ask three of you at a time to come up and duel me. No potentially lethal curses but once disarmed or stunned or otherwise incapable of taking place I will ask another student to come up and take your place. And may I just say twenty-five points to the person who takes me down.” He smiled at their faces. “Okay line up.”