Title: An Absolutely Normal Misfit Summary: Going to school and being a misfit just doesn’t seem like enough to torture poor Emma. She’s also stuck with her father, Harry Potter, who wants her to live up to his standards of becoming an auror. So much for being a musician. [“I can’t believe I’m actually here today, when I could be in my bed moping and feeling sorry for myself. Or sleeping. Or maybe both. I AM a very good at multitasking, you know.” I mumbled into my eggs. “Which is why you tripped while chewing gum and walking at the same time?” Tyler spat out his eggs and began cough/laughing.] A/N- YO! My first story- PLEASE DROP A REVIEW! And I know these aren’t the names, but I like it like this. “He said let’s change our locks, this night is all we’ve got. Drive fast until we crash, this dead end-” I stopped, glaring at the acoustic guitar- named Muirin- because one of the strings snapped. “Shit.” “Language, Em, m’ dear.” My brother Max said, waltzing into the room. His annoying pet name didn’t annoy me very much when he said it- or when Ollie, (He hates his nickname. Really it’s Oliver.) Or Eddie did, because they’re my family. Other than them- and my parents of course- it irritated me to death. “Hey, Max. You got an extra string on you?” I asked, flexing my rough calloused fingers, strong from many years of quittich and playing the guitar. “Nope. Da’ll fix it when he gets home though. I flipped my short red hair, a perfect imitation of my mother. “Whenever that is. He’s so bust lately! Mum too!” “Well don’t worry. Dad is just DAD, you know? He’s famous for a reason. And mom is just busy with Eddie and all. 3 year olds are tough. On another note, school lists came.” “REALLY?!?! Why didn’t you tell me before, twit?” I shouted to Max, tugging on a lock of his shaggy black hair, that so resembled dad. They both ran downstairs, to where their mother sat at the counter, brown eyes filled with frustration as a toddler sat in her arms yanking on her large hoop earring. “C’mere, Eddie.” I said, picking up the little boy, and bouncing him on my small hips. I wasn’t exactly what you’d call curvy. I looked to the wall where my families clock stood- seeing all of my family safe, and at home or at work. My older brothers, Max and Oliver, mother, Little Eddie, and my father, Harry Potter. He wanted her to be an Auror just like him- he wanted all of his children to. That and become a quittich player. Then there was Danny’s hand. It was still there, but his picture dimmed. Danny had died about a year back, when he and I were in our 4th year. He’d been teased because of his large glasses and he was labeled as a geek. He’d been rejected by just about every girl in the school. He was bullied. He was REJEED. For him, the most important thing in life was to be accepted. One night, he was on his broom, and I was hanging out with him at the pitch. I was in the stands, watching him and humming a new melody only I knew, while working out the chords on my guitar. He jumped. His neck broke upon impact, and he died. It was the most devastating thing that had happened to me- to see your own twin fall, because of what you said. To see him lying on the ground, his features looking peaceful, that exact same nose that crinkled when he laughed, just like mine. That exact same pair of lips that curved up in the same way. Those same eyes, sparkling with intense longing for acceptance, that were then clouded over, not really seeing anything. I must have screamed so loud, when I was watching him fall, that I woke half of Hogwarts up, because next thing I know, I’m next to Hagrid cradling my brothers limp body to mine, and the headmistress was rushing towards us, angular face twisted in worry. “Emma? Emma. EMMA.” As I was thinking back, and staring at the clock, I barely noticed anything around me. I did that often. My father was shaking me, and my head snapped up to meet his gaze with those same piercing eyes as my brother and I shared. “Huh?” “Your mother was just saying she would take you to diagon alley tomorrow, bright and early. You best be off to bed.” He said. “Sorry I missed dinner.” He added as an afterthought, kissing my head. “Yeah…” I bid goodnight to everyone, then asked my dad to fix my guitar string. Back up in my room, he muttered a spell, and the string wove itself together. “Thanks.” “Have you finished that song yet?” He asked. I was never intending to finish my song about Danny. When I wrote songs, I wrote songs about an event in my life. If I finished Danny’s, it would be like he wasn’t my brother anymore… He was a time, and I was past it. In reality, I was finished, but I kept changing the lyrics. But recently, I just kept playing it over and over, pretending to change something, but not really. It was for Danny, and it had to be perfect. Anything less, and I was afraid I would offend his spirit, and I would fail him. ‘“No.” “Can I hear what you have?” “Maybe tomorrow, I’m tired out.” I said, fake-Yawning. He nodded, calling my bluff. I heard him go across the hall, then close his door and mumble something to Mum, the only part I caught would be my name. I pressed my ear to the wall, now wishing I’d spent my yard work money on those weird ear things Fred and George tried to sell me. “I swear Ginny, it’s like a part of her died with him…” “We all did, Harry. She’ll go back to normal before you know it. You always need some time to grieve. Just give her time.” I heard sniffling, then Da, I assume, walked over to the bed and sat on it. My mother was flat out crying before I turned away. I took out my guitar, ready to work on a new set of verses, before I fell asleep, laying on my back with the guitar still on my lap. I dreamt about Danny, like any other night. He was accepted into the very small Gryffindor nerd group, while I was in between the Nerds, the Artists, and the Jocks. We used to be close before Hogwarts, and we were. But we didn’t hang out as much. Being the closest in age (ha...) we hung out alot and were like best friends. Oh how I miss him. A/N- Yeah, I know it’s short, but I just wanted to do an introduction to the characters. Please drop a review, thanks! I need a lot of feedback!