Hermione Weasley walked into the small courtroom of the Family Division of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Ministry of Magic. She sat at one of the large tables in front of the bench. Looking straight ahead she placed the papers she was carrying squarely on the table in front of her. She spoke to the man next to her, “Are we ready, Mr. Howe?” “We are, Mrs. Weasley,” he looked across at the opposite table where a red-haired man was in an earnest discussion with another man, “but I don’t think they are.” Everybody stood as the three magistrates took their seats in front of them. “You may begin the case for the plaintiff, Mr. Cox.” The lawyer at the other table stood “Thank you sir. This is a divorce petition brought by Mr. Ronald Bilius Weasley, against his lawful wife, Hermione Jean Weasley, nee Granger; it alleges marital infidelity, that is adultery, with one or more male or males unknown. He is also petitioning for sole custody of his six year old son. Mrs Weasley is also bringing a counter-suit for the same cause and custody. I call Mrs. Weasley to give evidence.” Hermione moved and sat in the witness chair. She confirmed her identity, and waited for the first question. “Mrs. Weasley, your husband alleges that you were unfaithful to him on numerous occasions during your marriage. Are these allegations true?” “Yes.” As her lawyer had advised her, she kept her answer brief, with no embellishments. Cox was slightly thrown. He had expected more of a fight. “When did this affair begin?” “A little over two years ago.” “With what frequency?” “At first about every couple of months, and lately at every opportunity we get.” “So there can be no doubt that you have indulged in an extra-marital, sexual affair?” “None at all.” She saw Ron’s smirking face. He was looking triumphant and the sight disgusted her. “Why? Why did this affair start, do you not love your husband?” “Not any more, no I don’t. My affair started when I found out about the birth of his second illegitimate child.” Cox looked astounded, staring at a no longer smirking Ron. You berk, why didn’t you tell me about this, he was thinking. “You… you are alleging that your husband has two illegitimate children?” “No.” “I refer you to your earlier answer Mrs Weasley. How can you say ‘no’ to my last question. “There was another child four months ago, so now it’s three children, and I am not alleging it, I am stating it as fact. I am in possession of documentary evidence and one of the mothers is willing to testify before this court.” “Back to your affair. Are you prepared to name the man, I mean your lover?” “No, I cannot name the man.” “Cannot or will not?” “I cannot, Mr. Cox. I have admitted to an extra-marital, sexual affair. I did not say it was with a man.” Now Cox was completely flummoxed. He had to end this. “No more questions.” He returned to his seat. Hermione’s lawyer approached her. “Mrs Weasley are you willing to name your lover?” “Not without her consent.” In the third row of the public seating a woman rose to her feet. “It’s me.” Ron swung round so fast that he fell off his chair. “And you are?” “My name is Ginevra Weasley. Herm… Mrs Weasley is telling the truth.” Later in a nearby coffee shop Ginny said, “So, it’s just you and Hugo now.” Hermione reached over and took Ginny’s hand. “You are wrong love, it’s me and Hugo… and you.”