The life of Eloise Midgen was one of complete misery. She was, by universal agreement, the ugliest girl at Hogwarts. She was of medium height, very plump, and had severe acne. Her hair, no matter what she tried, resembled a badly wrung out mop. The other students were divided into three groups. The first group, which included all of Slytherin House, that made comments and hurled insults whenever she moved around the school. The others, she knew, made the same comments behind her back. She wasn’t sure which was worse. She always endeavoured to shower alone; the comments were bad enough when she was dressed. The small remainder at least made some attempt to be kinder. Hermione Granger for instance. Unfortunately she had spurned that opportunity for friendship. She had been in a particularly bad mood that day, and had rebuffed the advance by saying that Hermione was a long way from beautiful herself. ‘The only way you can feel pretty is to stand next to me’ she had said. She remembered the hurt look on Hermione’s face as she had walked away. Try feeling like that for every minute of every day she had thought So it went on day after day. The teachers sympathised and stamped heavily on any bullying they witnessed. Madam Pomfrey, the school healer, had tried everything to get rid of the acne spots on her face. Even Professor Snape had made up potions and lotions, but to no avail. Snape had confided to the healer that it was not impossible that a curse of some sort was responsible. He would do some more research. Nobody would consider him a sympathetic person but he had a great deal of sympathy for Eloise; he knew only too well how it felt to be picked on. He saw how, outwardly at least, she showed no reaction to the abuse, tried to maintain at least a show of dignity. Yet he knew the turmoil that was resident in her heart and mind. He had a sneaking admiration for her. Yes, her life was a misery, but Eloise Midgen had a secret that only her immediate family knew. A ‘no magic necessary’, kickass secret. She had had enough, this coming Friday all would be revealed. 7.55pm. Friday. Eloise walked into the Great Hall. The long house tables were gone. In their place, round tables for six were scattered around the room. This was ‘Club Night’ at Hogwarts. These were nights for the students to entertain themselves. Dean Thomas had developed a reputation doing stand-up comedy. A couple from Hufflepuff played guitar and sang Country & Western music. Blaise Zabini was an accomplished classical guitarist. Tonight Eloise was going to blow them away. Going to the bar, she got herself a Butterbeer and picked the most remote table she could find. She sat alone. There were plenty of people in the room. At a table in the front centre sat Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and four other Gryffindor boys. Nearby were Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley with a table full of girls. On the opposite side from her were Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin gang. A lot of the tables were full. Eloise saw Malfoy stand up and point at her. “I was looking for Midgen and I’ve just spotted her.” The Slytherin table erupted with laughter. Many other people smiled, making no attempt to hide it. Eloise took a swallow of her drink, then a deep breath. She screwed her courage to the sticking place, stood and walked toward the small stage. The noise of the comments disturbed her not one jot. These days she listened only to see if someone would come up with something original. They never did. These morons never had an original thought in their lives. So she walked, straight backed with her head high. She took the microphone, nodded to the operator and looked out over the assembly, ‘Right you arseholes,’ she thought, ‘suck on this.’ She waved her wand at the speakers and her music started. She began to sing a ballad that the Gershwin brothers might have written just for her. It was not the sort of song one would sing if your voice was in any way suspect. It would find you out. They’re writing songs of love But not for me She had them. She could see it. The wide eyes, the open mouths and the disbelieving stares. Oh yes, she had them. What a glorious feeling. Although I can’t dismiss The memory of his kiss I guess he’s not for me. She ended her song and put the mic back in its stand. She stood silently listening to the applause and cheers. Then she did something that nobody at Hogwarts had ever seen her do before. She smiled. She stepped off the stage and returned to her table. She was used to people looking at her, but this was different. There was a look of…what was it…respect? Wow, that would be a first. She didn’t really hear the next few performers. Becoming aware of someone standing behind her shoulder she looked around, “Hello,” said Neville Longbottom. “Can I sit down?” “Of course you can, it’s easy. Just bend your knees and put your bum on a chair. That’s what’s called sitting down.” He looked momentarily confused. “No… I er… I mean, may I sit down? Can I join you?” “And why would you want to do that?” She hadn’t meant it to sound so abrupt. He swallowed nervously, “Well I… I wanted to talk to you.” she nodded toward a chair and he sat down. “I…er wanted to say well done. Where did you learn to sing like that? It was really, really good.” “Thank you…” “Neville” He said, a slight tremble evident in his voice. “I know. It’s just that I’m not used to using first names. I didn’t learn to sing. I just can. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” “Your voice is naturally that good, isn’t it? I mean, you haven’t used a charm or anything?” “Yes, it is,” she said. “I’m going to get a beer, would you like another?” “Thanks, that would be nice.” He was back very quickly. She was listening to Hermione singing in Italian. “She’s not bad is she? She’s not in your league of course.” Neville commentated, Eloise didn’t really hear him. Her mind was elsewhere. Here she was sitting and talking with a nice boy. He had bought her a drink. It was unreal. She snapped her attention back to reality. Neville had asked her a question and she had missed it. “Sorry Neville, I missed that, I was away with fairies for a moment.” He smiled, “I asked if you would like to dance.” This was really turning into a night of firsts for her. “I know I can sing but I’m not sure about dancing.” He stood and offered his hand, “Only one way to find out then, isn’t there?” She took his hand and followed him. At that moment she would have followed him anywhere, even to the gates of hell itself. Two months and four club nights later there was a marked change in Eloise Midgen. She had lost about fifteen pounds, and Madam Pomfrey was pleased with the improvement in her acne. Increasingly, students who bad mouthed her were being jumped on by other students. One Slytherin girl made the mistake of passing a comment not knowing that Ginny Weasley was behind her. The girl missed her next class while Madam Pomfrey removed the bat bogeys from her face. For Ginny the fact that it was a Slytherin girl only made it sweeter. She knew it meant yet another lecture from McGonagall and maybe ten points from Gryffindor, but what the hell. Another month later Eloise Midgen quit school and signed a lucrative recording contract. Two years later, spot free and curvaceous, she married her business manager, Neville Longbottom. Author Note. The lyrics to the song ‘But not for me’, written by George and Ira Gershwin, are as sung by the great Ella Fitzgerald.