Chapter 2
The First Day of the New World Harry awoke and quickly grabbed for his wand, then he remembered that the battle was over and he need not fear any longer. When he looked around and saw Ron and Hermione cuddled up together, he couldn’t help but smile. “They deserve to be happy,” he thought. The blinds were drawn in the room, and he pulled them back to reveal a beautiful sun, a great new start to a new era. He looked down at the watch that he had been given for his 17th birthday, and saw that it was half past four. He walked towards the door and realized that he wasn’t in the same clothes that he had been in or in the same room. He was in his bedroom, the only real one he had ever had. He could feel pain as he moved his muscles, especially around his chest. He looked under his shirt to see the hole that Madam Pomfrey had tried to fix, and sighed. “Just another scar to add to the collection I guess.” He knew that it was worth the pain, and that everything he had suffered had been worth it to come to this day. Harry paused to think of how long he had wanted this moment to come… he remembered at what cost it had been. He vowed right there that he wouldn’t let the lives lost be forgotten, and that they would honored as what they were… heroes. Harry decided that it was time to get dressed, when but then he realized that he had no clothes, so he went to the door hoping to find something to wear. When he opened the door he found a man sitting in a chair looking down the stairs. He looked up and when he saw Harry he said, “Harry Potter, you’re awake. I’ll get clothes brought up to you right away, sir.” Before Harry had time to ask him what he was doing there he was gone. Harry went back into the room more confused than he had been when he found new clothes and scars on him. “Oh well though,” he thought to himself, “everything will explain itself in due time.” Time…time was something he now had the luxury of. He had spent the whole year knowing that at any moment it could be over, that at any moment it could end…but now he could relax, enjoy the little things, be with ones he loved. At that moment only one picture came to his mind…Ginny. He had felt so bad for letting her go; although at the time it had been the right thing to do, to protect her. “Will she ever forgive me for leaving her?” he thought. “She needs to take me back! She was the reason for coming back, the reason I didn’t just pass on.” Just then a house-elf appeared in the room, making Harry jump. Harry, after seeing that it was just a house-elf, calmed down; he then noticed that it wasn’t Kreacher but yet another house-elf, a Hogwarts house-elf. The house-elf looked up at him, and in his hands were some very nice robes which he handed to him and with a bow, left. Harry, more confused than ever, decided to let it go and get dressed. As he was finishing getting his trainers on Ron woke up and with a start. “What’s the matter Harry? What is wrong?” “Nothing Ron, don’t worry. Go back to sleep.” But Ron wouldn’t have it that wouldn’t listen, he knew that if Harry was up then he and Hermione should get up too. Ron gently woke Hermione with a kiss. Hermione, who woke up with a smile on her face, realized exactly what was going on. She got up and took out her beaded bag out, then got robes for her and Ron. After they were all ready, they opened the door. Once again they found a man sitting in a chair, but when he saw them open the door he quickly got up and walked down the stairs before they could say a word. The trio turned to one another wondering what was that all about was going on, but once again they decided to push that from their minds and headed down to the common room, but no one was there. Deciding that everyone was probably down in the Great Hall or on the grounds, they headed down to Great Hall and hoped that they would have better luck with that. When they got down there I think it sounds better without ‘there’ in the sentence, they noticed that most people were sitting down, but no one was sitting according to their houses, just chatting about random things. A few people had noticed the trio walking in and immediately stood up. When others saw them they quickly followed suite and stood up and started to clap and cheer for the three. Kingsley Shackbolt, who had been sitting at the high table, came down towards the three of them. Minster Shackbolt then, instead of wanting to speak to them, ushered them to the front of the Great Hall, to the high table, showing them each a seat. As none of them wanted to disappoint the Minster of Magic or the people who had fought, they just did as Kingsley showed them. Kingsley was about to seat Harry in the Headmaster’s seat, the same seat that Dumbledore had sat in, when Harry quickly held his hand up and said, “No, I can’t sit there, I am not Dumbledore.” Kingsley, who immediately realized that Harry would not budge on the matter, conjured a new chair right next to the Headmaster’s chair, and Harry sat down, noticing that everyone else did as well. The moment food appeared in front of them and Harry’s stomach took over, he immediately grabbed some food to eat. Pleasant conversation began to consume the Great Hall and Kingsley looked at Harry, eager to talk, but it seemed that out of respect waited until Harry was ready to say something. Harry looked at him and said, “Minster Shackbolt,” “It’s just Kingsley to you, Harry,” interrupted Kingsley. “Of course, Kingsley. I was thinking that the people who fought and died here so valiantly deserve stay at Hogwarts, the place they fought so hard to defend. I think that it is the least that we can do for them.” “That’s a wonderful idea, Harry. I completely agree, but how exactly should we go about it? It’s a very delicate matter.” Harry sat there thinking about how he could honor those who had died in the battle to defend Hogwarts and defeat Voldemort once and for all. “I have got it!” exclaimed Harry. He turned to Kingsley to explain his idea, who immediately agreed and took off to perform his part of the task. Harry continued to eat and wait for everyone else to finish, as there was something special he had to say at the end of the meal. Once everyone was done eating he stood and went to where the Headmaster would normally address the students. “Thank you everyone, for everything. Words can not describe how grateful to you that I am how you have fought in the battle and over these past years. Today though, is not about me or you but about the fallen. This is why tonight at 10 O’clock we will have the first Feast of the Dead to commemorate those who gave their lives not only at the battle of Hogwarts, but anyone who lost their lives because of Tom Riddle.” There was a little bit of gasp when he said Tom Riddle. Not only had he referred to the Dark Lord by a name but by his given name. All the same everyone clapped as Harry stepped down. Harry had much to do before the banquet. First of all he had to find Professor McGonagall and explain to her, Ron and Hermione what was going on. He saw the professor head towards the door and he bolted after her, feeling bad has he avoided talking to people. As he reached the corridor he was bombarded by camera flashes from all round, and he could hear people trying to ask him questions. He was trapped by reporters with no chance of escape. He was about to cave in and talk to them briefly when two strong looking wizards came through the crowd next Harry. The both magnified their voices and said, “By order of the Minister of Magic, no reporter is allowed inside Hogwarts until either he or Professor McGonagall allows entry, further more by order of the Minister no reporter is to question Harry Potter until he decides to give an official interview. Any violations of either of these laws could result in a fine or other penalties. Thank you, now please vacate the grounds or you will be forcibly removed.” Maybe break the paragraph here as well Harry looked at the two men and realized that one of them had been outside his door last night. He went up to them and was about to speak when the wizard said, “I’m very sorry, sir. That is not going to happen again. I never got to introduce myself. My name is James Winthrop and I am an Auror. We were ordered to make sure reporters stay out of Hogwarts and especially away from you, Mr. Ronald Weasley and Ms. Hermione Granger.“ Harry was about to say thank you when James left to go help the other Auror remove some reporters who wouldn’t go. Harry then went and found Professor McGonagall who agreed immediately and began doing her part to make sure that the banquet, along with the funeral, would go off without a hitch. Ron and Hermione, after hearing the plan, started to cry a bit in particular Ron, knowing that this was a great way to honor Fred and the others who had fallen. When Harry saw that Ron was crying he remembered that Fred had died, as well as Tonks and Lupin. Harry suddenly had a strong urge to go and see his god son, but he knew that he had work to do, though he didn’t know what was going to happen with the child. He couldn’t think of that right now though. He had to press on and finish the preparations.