I ran my hand slowly down the frosty window, my fingers leaving small prints on the glass. It was a cold winter’s day, snow was falling and everything was silent. I sat alone on the small bus, my feet on the seat, my knees tucked into my chest. I silently stared out of the window, dropping my hand from it to wrap around my legs. The bus was deserted, except from myself and the young bus driver. We had pulled away from the bus station exactly three hours ago now and we still hadn’t arrived. My Mum had told me that it was only a two hours drive, I remember her exact words. “When you get on the bus, ask for a single to Little Afton. It will take about two hours to get there so I’ve put your sketch pad in your suitcase so you can entertain yourself.” I was going to miss her soft, comforting voice. Her smile, the way she looked at me when I was getting told off (Which was very often to be honest), this was all in the past now and I was going to miss it. I had two little sisters back home, Hayley and Ella. They were twins, but not identical, that was a relief to me when they were born. They don’t look alike in the slightest. Hayley has long, messy, light brown hair, pretty features and is pretty tall. Ella on the other hand has short dark brown hair, a small face, an innocent smile and is very short. I look like them both. I have long black hair with a side fringe; I’m short and pretty slim. I wouldn’t say I’m gorgeous, beautiful or stunning but I’ve been told I take a good picture. The bus pulled to a stop suddenly and the doors opened. A tall brown haired woman walked on, smiling politely to the driver as she handed him some money. “Single to Little Afton, please.” She said. The driver muttered to himself as he handed her a ticket. She slipped the ticket into her pocket and collapsed into the first seat she came to, blowing into her hands. As the bus started moving I was nearly yanked out of my seat. I shut my eyes tightly wishing the journey would end. I sat, my eyes shut for who knows how long, until I heard the woman’s voice again. “Madison, Madison Walker?” Her voice called, my eyes snapped open instantly, how had she known my name? I stared at her, her brown hair was in a tight bun on the top of her head and her hands were tucked tightly on her lap as she looked at me. “That’s me...” I said as I uncurled out of my shape to put my feet onto the floor. “You’re moving in with Henry, right?” She asked pursing her lips together tightly. “Yes.” “You’re going to have a great time then.” “I’m sure.” “My names Mrs Wilson. I’m a teacher at Little Afton high school, in the Religious Studies department; I’m sure your going to have lots of fun staying in the village.” “Yeah…” I answered shortly, my eyes flickering back onto the window. It was getting dark now and we still hadn’t arrived. I sighed to myself, feeling the cold now. “How long have you been sitting there for?” Mrs Wilson asked. I turned to face her, scowling. She had broken my silence, the silence I loved to be engulfed in. “Couple of hours, why?” I answered in a rude tone. She looked taken aback. “Just wondering, you look tired. When we get off do you want me to show you to Henry’s house?” She asked. It was just something in her eyes that I didn’t trust. “No thanks… I think he’s picking me up.” I answered quickly, turning away from her. From the corner of my eyes I saw her scowl. “Are you sure?” She was starting to bother me. “Yes.” I sighed. Seconds later we arrived, or that’s what I thought. The driver had slammed on the breaks, I jolted forward nearly tumbling off of the seat, and I gasped in shock before pulling myself upright on the seat. Mrs Wilson was already on her feet having a heated conversation with the young driver. “We can’t have broken down!” She hissed at him, she stared out of the windscreen nervously. The bus driver pushed his foot down onto the pedals but nothing seemed to be working. Mrs Wilson glanced over to me quickly, glaring at me before turning back to the driver and whispering urgently to him. I pulled myself from the seat and stumbled down the aisle towards them both. “Can I help in any way?” I asked as I stopped behind Mrs Wilson. “You could help by staying here while George and I go get some help.” She said addressing the young bus driver by his name. As soon as Mrs Wilson and George were outside, making they’re way by torch light, I clambered back to my seat. They had left me, not that I was that bothered about it. I hoped the moment would never come when I stepped off of the bus into Little Afton, I hoped the moment would never come when I was in the care of my uncle. I wish my mum had never volunteered me to go due to the lack of money she had. I was ‘apparently’ going to have a great time. I really doubted that…