Disclaimer: This is JKR's ballpark, and I'm just swinging the bat for fun. -------------------- Chapter One -------------------- I held the crumpled letter in my hands as I stood by the edge of the lake; years of pent up frustration seemed to flow from my eyes. In the form of tears, I released all of my emotions: the pride my parents once had at their daughter’s becoming a witch, the hurt I’d received from Petunia’s harsh words, the official’s precise and hardhearted letter… I looked down at the crumpled message once more. Dear Miss Evans, We regret to inform you of your parents’, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans’, sudden deaths. They were found dead in your kitchen on September the twenty-first. After further examination, it was decided that they were killed by Dark magic. We are truly sorry for your loss. Sincerely, Gerard B. Whatsniff Secretary to Minister of Magic I balled up the letter in my fist and threw it as hard as I could away from me. Though I knew it wasn’t his fault my parents were dead, I hated Gerard B. Whatsniff more than I had ever hated any person. I sank on my knees to the muddy ground, clinging to the wet earth for support. The news of my parents’ deaths had come completely unexpected. I had been sitting in the library studying for a Transfiguration exam when the Ministry owl found me. That seemed like an eternity ago. After the rain stopped, I forced myself into a standing position and made my way back toward Gryffindor tower. I avoided the many looks I received along the corridors; I must have looked completely dishevelled, but I ignored my fellow students and continued on my way. Upon entering the Common Room, I walked straight to the girls’ staircase. I did not stop when Alice Peters, my roommate and close friend for seven years, called after me. I did not stop when I heard two second years arguing. I was halfway up the staircase when I heard a faint, “Lily?” Potter. I stopped, closing my eyes. I had no strength to deal with his pleas for attention. I had no strength to turn down his offer for the billionth time. After a moment’s hesitation, I started walking again. By the time I had entered the seventh year girls’ dormitory, I felt as though all of my physical strength had escaped me. I collapsed on the first bed I saw, unable to make it to my own. Days after the letter first arrived, I could do nothing but sit through my classes. The first week was nothing. I learned nothing; I grasped no new concepts. I could feel the concerned stares of teachers, Alice, and James, but I ignored them all. School seemed trivial compared to the latest hardship thrown on my back. And I still hadn’t told Petunia. One day—I couldn’t tell you which day, as they all seemed to run together like a giant blur—Severus Snape came to me. We had been friends through childhood and had only recently stopped speaking. I had, at first, only known it was him because of his green and silver Prefect badge. He was much taller than I, and I looked up, placing a mask of nonchalance on my pale face. “Yes?” I asked coolly. Severus looked lost for words. “I—I… I wanted to see if you were okay…” “Oh, really? Wanted to check up on the Mudblood, did you?” I said angrily. “No! No, Lily, I just mean that you seemed off in class—” I felt my eyes narrow. “You’re a worthless piece of scum, Sev.” The look in his eyes portrayed his complete shock at the harshness of my words. I walked swiftly away, leaving him looking crestfallen after me. It wasn’t long after that day when James came to me. “Lily? Earth to Evans?” I looked up from the book I was reading. “Potter,” I greeted curtly. He looked at me, a confused expression on his face. After a moment, he sat beside me, his hazel eyes still searching my emerald ones. “What, Potter? Spit it out,” I said, agitated. My copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was waiting for me, and I was anxious to get back to it. He looked taken aback. It had been quite a while since I’d snapped like that at him. We’d been doing so well as Heads together this year, and I had to go and ruin it by snapping. “Lily, I didn’t mean—” “James,” I interrupted, “I’m sorry. I’ve been so tired, and I didn’t mean to be so rude.” The corners of his lips curved slightly. “Lily, are you okay? You’ve been… different lately… In class and with duties…” “Duties!” I said, my head twisting quickly upward. “I’ve completely forgotten!” James grabbed my forearm. “It’s okay; I’ve covered for you. You can take my shift tonight.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much.” He nodded. “Sure, no problem. Remus is doing our rounds now.” “You will thank him for me, won’t you?” I asked, pulling my book toward me. James nodded again, standing up. “Of course. And, Lily?” “Hmm?” I stood, too, readying to walk to the Great Hall for lunch. “If you need to talk or anything, I’ll, uh, I’ll listen.” The sincerity and warmth in his enticing eyes made me want to spill all of my secrets to him in that moment, but instead I just nodded and walked away. ------------------------ A/N: Okay, here's my first attempt at a Lily/James story. If you'd like to see more, please review, and I'll update this soon after I update Albus Potter and the Hidden Secret. For update information, please go to my journal. =) Thank you for reading and hopefully reviewing! --RP/Kate