Highway to Hell It was snowing. The car skidded across the road. Sam struggled to stay in control. Suddenly, a flash of light hit him in the face as a truck came speeding towards him. He swerved, and the car spun on the icy road. Sam lost all control, as his car spun off the road and into a ditch. When Sam opened his eyes it was quiet. His head hurt, and as he put up his hand to feel for any damage it glistened with blood. He peered out of the windows. He had fallen a good few feet down the bank. Sam decided to move, just in case he was in any further danger sitting in the car. He didn’t want to get blown up or anything. As he attempted to undo his seat belt, he heard something. Crying. He stopped moving about and listened hard. It was definitely someone crying. “Hello?” He called. Perhaps the truck had also crashed, perhaps people were hurt… Nothing. Sam pulled off his seat belt and opened the door of his car. He didn’t look down. He didn’t see the large hole beneath him. When he climbed out the car his feet touched nothing but air. He realised only too late…. He must have fallen about 10 feet. When he came too once more, he realised he was lying on soft earth. He looked up. He could see the door to his car standing wide open. He checked for broken bones. Nothing. He was fine, apart from a nasty cut on his head from the crash, and a couple of bumps from the fall. Then he heard the crying again. It was louder, more urgent, this time. It sounded like a child, a girl maybe. “HELLO??!!” Yelled Sam. “Help me! I’m in a hole!” No response. Sam sat up, and with a jolt realised that he wasn’t just in a simple hole. There was an opening into the hole, leading into a long, dark tunnel. He sat, just staring into the tunnel, wishing he’d thought of grabbing his mobile from his bag in the car when he spotted a light. “Hello?” It was coming nearer, growing larger. “Sam?” “Yes? Who is that?” “Come on Sam. This way.” “But…but the crying…” “No. You’re not for them. This way.” “What do you mean? I’m not for them…who is “Them”?” “This way.” Sam followed them, deep into the tunnel, and, as they walked, he forgot about everything… ***** Two weeks later the local Police came across Sam’s car. PC Matthews stood next to it, shaking his head. “Poor Kid. Only just 19.” He stared at the body bag on the floor by his feet. A paramedic joined him. “Died instantly. Hit his head when he crashed. Wouldn’t have had a chance.” Matthews shook his head. “Contact numbers?” “We found his mobile in his bag.” Matthews sighed. This was the second time in a month he had had to break the news of a person’s death to their family. The case before had been suspiciously similar, car crash, woman hits her head and dies instantly. He turned, and that’s when he spotted the little girl, standing by the road, crying. “Well well well.” He said to her, frowning. “I suppose you’re happy with your self. Now tell me, did the young man come with you?” The little girl stopped crying and frowned. “I’ll take that as a no then shall I?” Matthews sighed. “When are you going to stop taking lives before their time? That boy was smart, he wasn’t meant for hell. Lucky for him I found him before you did.” Matthews walked towards the bank, and began to climb. Before he reached the top, however, he had disappeared into the wind.