One, two, three four. Harry Potter counted the raindrops that were dripping from the roof of Griffendor's common room. This day is so sad, even the clouds are crying. Harry though miserbley. But it didn't matter now. Hogwarts' beloved Headmaster Dumbledore, was gone-dead, killed by a trusted teacher. Harry's teeth ground as he thought of Snape. If Snape ever showed his twisted face around here again, Harry would kill him. If he could. Harry couldn't help but feel partely responsible for the death of Albus Dumbledore. It was he that had kept Dumbledore drinking the potion. The otion that had made Dumbledore so weak. Harry had thought Dumbledore stood a chance, when Draco Malfoy had put down his wand, but that Godforsaken Snape had aimed a killing curse right at Dumbledore's heart. Harry tried to shake the buzzing memories out of his head, but couldn't. He felt hot tears come to his eyes, but wiped them away. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw his girlfriend, Ginny Weaslysmiling sadly at him. "It wasn't your fault" She said comfortly. Harry touched Ginny's hand. They sat like that for a few minutes. Then Harry looked in her deep green eyes. "How about we get some lunch. I'm straved." This wasn't really true, but he wanted to get Ginny to think he was getting over Dumbledore's death-when he really wasn't. Ginny smiled at him and she took his hand and they walked down to the Great Hall together. "Ah! Mr. Potter, how are you doing". Harry whirled around, only to come face to face with the dupty Headmistress, Professer McGonagall. "Fine thanks." Harry muttered. She looked at him sharply. "Very well Mr.Potter. Hey! Stop that his instent!" And the professer walked away, yelling at a group of first years. Ginny smiled at him. "Well, that was eventful." She said as she waved at Ron and Hermione, who were motioning them over. Harry followed Ginny over to where his best friends were sitting, "Hello mate, how you doin'?" Ron asked as Harry took a seat next to him. "Fine I guess." Harry replied. "You know Harry, we're really worried about you." Hermione said auxiously. And for the first time, Harry gazed into the worried faces of his friends. Hermione's brown ones and Ron and Ginyy's identicle green ones, "Hey, i'm fine you don't have to worry about me!" Harry knew he sounded too happy on that comment. His friends didn't believe him. "O.k I'm not that good, but i mean-" Ron cut him off. Its alright mate, we understand." Ginny and Hermione nodded. Harry looked gratefully at his friends. If he had such good friends, then why did he feel so alone? There was a empty part in his heart. An empty part that was called Dumbledore. Author's note. K Im sorry for the short chapter. I won't write another one until i get at least one review. And i'll dedicate the next chapter to them!!!! This chapter is dedicated to LittleLilly, my friend who said i should write a fanfic. Again i apolized for the short chapter and who knows? U might get the next one dedicated to u!!!!!!!