was sitting alone in my room. ‘I can’t believe this, he’s going tomorrow and Ron and Hermione are going with him. They’re going to leave me here alone, “It’s too dangerous” he said when told me he was leaving. Harry knows that I can take care of myself,' “Ginny why don’t you come down and have some breakfast?” Hermione was at the door and pulled me out of my thoughts. “Not hungry,” I said. “Come on Ginny, you haven’t ate since dinner two nights ago, you have to eat something,” She tried to reason with me. "No I don’t!” I shouted ‘reason with that’I thought. “Ginny, I will go get Harry or your mum up here if it will get you out of your room for some food.” She warned. “Go get them if you like Hermione, you might have some trouble getting Harry, he might of decided that it’s ‘too dangerous!’” I yelled sarcastically at the door. “So he told you,” Hermione said quietly. "Yes Hermione, he told me, he told me everything. He told me that you and Ron are going with him. He told me that I’m not going because it’s ‘too dangerous’!” I sobbed. “Ginny can I come in?” She asked. “No! I don’t want anybody to be with me. I want to be alone!” I shouted. I heard Hermione go down the stairs. I went and looked out of my bedroom window, Harry was outside with Ron, they were sitting on the bench; talking. I turned around and threw myself onto the bed sobbing. I must of fell asleep, when I woke up it was dark outside, there was some toast sitting beside my bed, ‘must have been Hermione, she must of came up to give me it after I fell asleep.’ I thought to myself. ‘It’s cold, I can’t eat it if it’s cold, I need a drink anyway.’ I decided that I would go downstairs really quickly, just for a drink. I snuck down the stairs, making as little noise as possible. I crept into the kitchen and over to the fridge, I took out the jug of pumpkin juice out and sat it on the counter. I opened the cupboard door and took out a glass. I closed the door and I saw a face behind the door, the glass fell and smashed. "Shit!” I said. I looked up at the person who had scared me; it was Harry. “Ginny,” he whispered. “What? Are you going to say that being down in the kitchen is too dangerous?” I asked sarcastically. “No, its just you’re so pale, did you eat anything? Hermione said that you weren’t feeling well and that’s why you weren’t down this morning. I saw her take you up some toast though, did you eat it?” he replied. “Yes, I ate it,” I lied reaching down to pick up the biggest pieces of glass on the floor. “I’ll get it Gin, you sit down. Are you hungry? I could make you something if you like, there’s-” he started but I cut him off. “Harry why are you going? Why can’t I come with you? Don’t even say anything like ‘it’s too dangerous’ or ‘you could get hurt’ that stuff is bull. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t get hurt, I would, but you can’t be thinking that leaving me behind will keep me safe, I’m not going back to Hogwarts, if I’m not going with you, I’m going to stay here.” I told him as I sat at the kitchen table. “What? Why aren’t you going to Hogwarts? It’s safer there Gin, and you have to keep up your schoolwork, you have your NEWTs next year, you have to study for them.” He tried to talk me into it, but I wasn’t going to change my mind, I’ve always been called stubborn, I wasn’t going to change now, “What are you talking about Harry? You have your NEWTs this year, you started studying for them last year, I’m not going to go and read books when you’re out there, when I don’t know that your safe. If I don’t know that I’m not going to Hogwarts.” “Gin, at least have the books and things, so that you can go back when all of this is over, when you’re a seventh year.” He tried. “I might get the books, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to read them,” I told him. “I have all of the books, I’m not taking them with me, you use them, if you’re not going to Hogwarts and I’m not taking the books with me, at least use them.” He told me. “Ok. I’m going back up to my room, I’m going to come and see you go in the morning, I’ll be up earlier, I need to talk to you,” I left the kitchen and went back to my bedroom, the place where I had been for almost two full days with no food or drink seeing as how well that had gone just getting some pumpkin juice. I climbed into my bed and fell asleep. I was up at six o’clock the next morning. I could hear mum in the kitchen so I went down for breakfast. “Ginny dear, are you feeling better today?” Mum asked me. “Yes,” I replied sitting down in the same seat I sat in last night. “I’ll fix you some breakfast,” mum said. “Thanks mum,” I looked to the door just as Harry walked in. “Hi Harry,” “Hey Ginny, morning Mrs Weasley,” He greeted us. Breakfast didn’t take too long so we only had to wait about ten minutes. The both of us ate our breakfasts silently. I stood up to leave the room and motioned for Harry to follow. I stood outside in the garden waiting for Harry to come out. When he did I motioned for him to follow me again, he did. We went down into the wooded area at the bottom of the garden. We sat beside each other on a log that was lying on the ground. “So you’re definitely going?” I asked Harry. “Yeah, I have to Gin,” he replied quietly. “And I can’t change your mind about me not coming with you?” I said, knowing what the answer would be. “No, you can’t come with me, if you come with us I wont be able to concentrate on killing him, I’d be too worried about you getting hurt.” He told me, taking my hand in his. “Harry!” There was shouting from the house, “Harry it’s time to go,” It was Ron. “Gin I have to go now. I have to get my bag, meet me out front in five minutes, I have to say goodbye properly.” He said and went back into the house. I headed out to the front of the house. “Bye Ron,” I gave my big brother a hug, “just come back.” He nodded. “Bye Hermione, you’re smart but just be careful, after what happened when you were in fifth year is anything to go by, you should know enough now, but still be careful.” I told my best friend as I hugged her. I turned to Harry. “Bye Gin, the books are in my room in my trunk at the bottom of the camp bed.” He told me. “Harry, promise me that you are going to come back, promise me that after this is over we can be together, promise me that you’re going to bring back Ron and Hermione, promise me that you’ll end this,” She looked up into his eyes for the first time since he told her that he was going. “Gin, I promise if you promise me one thing,” He said. “Anything,” “Promise me that, when this is over, you’ll marry me,” He said as he looked down at me. “I promise,” I hugged him close, he rested his head on mine’s. I could feel that his shirt was getting damp but I couldn’t help it. He smelled my hair, “Jasmine, I love that smell, it reminds me of you because your hair always smells like jasmine.” He inhaled again. He pulled back to look at my face, his face looked damp, Harry was crying, I’d never seen him crying before, he kissed my forehead then dropped his hands, “ I love you Ginny,” He told me as he walked away. I sat down sobbing, this was just too much to handle, Harry was leaving but not before he asked me to marry him, this was the first time I had saw him cry; he was crying because he had to leave, he told me that he loved me. Harry turned away and started walking off into the distance with Ron on one side of him and Hermione on the other. “I love you Harry!” I screamed, “I love you!” I stood up. “Harry I love you!” I made to start running after him but Fred and George held onto me, “I love you Harry!” I fell to the ground crying, “I love you,” I whispered.