Albus Dumbledore sat in his office staring in disbelieving shock at the three people that at the moment sat in front of him. Looking at them he began contemplating the previous year. It had been a long one, although not bad. Today was the Quidditch cup, the final game of the season between Gryffindor and Slytherin. It was also the final match Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Ginny Potter would ever play at Hogwarts. Ginny and Harry had discovered they were soul bonded halfway through Harry’s sixth year, they quickly mastered their wandless magic, animagus forms, physical abilities and had become even stronger than Dumbledore himself. With the love they shared they finally brought about the demise of Lord Voldemort. Ginny had taken and passed all the tests that allowed her to join Harry, Ron and Hermionie in Seventh year. As for Ron and Hermionie, they had finally admitted their true feelings with each other and were due to be married that summer. If he thought all the shocks and surprises were over, he was very wrong. This had to be the biggest shock Albus Dumbledore had ever had, for sitting in front of him were James Potter, Lily Potter and Sirius Black. “How?” Dumbledore breathed “When we died we all activated a spell that we had put on ourselves many years ago. The spell in question we told no one about, only the creators knew about it. Padfoot, Lily and I created a spell that would bring us back for life after Harry defeated Voldemort, if we were killed by the war and here we are” answered James “But the war ended months ago, why is it they you only made it here now” asked Dumbledore “There was a slight hitch” said Sirius “Slight Hitch!, getting dumped in the middle of nowhere is not what I would call a slight hitch Sirius Black!” exclaimed Lily “Okay maybe it was a big hitch” said Sirius “Anyway the hitch is that when we came back to life we were sort of dumped in a unknown location, without magic” said Lily “I see” said Dumbledore” “Right, now that’s over with where is Harry?” asked Sirius “That I though would be obvious” said a very unsteady voice from behind them “Minerva, how nice of you to join us” said Albus, his eyes twinkling “Well I must say this is unexpected” said Professor McGonagall “Sorry but what is so obvious about where my son is?” Asked James “Did you not hear the noise that is coming from the Quidditch stadium?” “No, I was more occupied with getting up here without being noticed, Padfoot mentioned Harry had the map” said James. “I’ll go get him then shall I?” asked Professor McGonagall “Very Well, although you may have trouble getting him up here, you know” said Dumbledore “It’s not him I’m worried about” remarked Professor McGonagall on her way out. “What on earth did she mean?” Asked lily “I think she was referring to Ron Weasley, Harry’s best mate” said Sirius “Close Mr. Black, very close but not quite” said Dumbledore his eyes dancing. “But who else ….” Sirius trailed off “Who Padfoot?” asked James “Has Harry got a girlfriend?” asked Sirius “Ah, that Mr. Black only Harry can tell you” replied Dumbledore “Can you tell us much about Harry’s life?” Asked Lily “It would be best if you heard it from Harry, what I can tell you is that his life has never been easy and he has lost a lot. Yet through all that he has been through he still has the ability to love and to be loved. He is an extraordinary young man.” Replied Dumbledore The door opened and Professor McGonagall stepped through. “Minevera I believe you are missing something” said Dumbledore, his amusement evident. Professor McGonagall huffed. “When I told them that they were needed in the headmaster’s office they asked if anyone was dead or dying-“ “Why would Harry ask you that?” asked Lily “They have become so accustomed to hearing of someone’s death that the question became second nature to the both of them.” Lily gasped “Anyway when I told them no, I was asked if anyone was attacked or injured. When I once again received the answer no, I was told to tell Professor Dumbledore they have a Quidditch match to play and unless someone is dead or dying that there was no way they could come and let Slytherin win the house cup.” She finished. By this time Lily was looking shocked, James looked somewhat amused and Sirius was on the floor laughing. “Well in that case I propose we go down to the Quidditch pitch.” SaidDumbledore.