Disclaimer: I'm not J.K.Rowling, I wish I was but sadly I'm not. I wish I could say that I wake up staring at the ceiling with birds tweeting outside my window. But sadly that is not the case when your best friends with Lily and Rose. "Melllllllll! Wake Up," both red-heads squealed at the tops of their voices wearing nothing but dressing gowns over their pajamas. I groaned and grabbed for the elder wand laying beside me on the dresser. I didn't even open my eyes as I sent a silencing charm at both of them. I opened my eyes and smirked when they both started mouthing wordlessly. Lily ducked behind my bed before spells could fly. Rose pulled out her wand, preformed the counter-curse, and said, "You are soooooo dead Mel! Incarcerous!" I scowled at her as ropes shot out of the end of her wand and tied me up. Did I forget to mention that Rose was not a morning person? I opened my mouth to say a spell when Rose screeched, "Don't you even dare, Melody! Expelliarmus!" Lily reached up and grabbed my wand before it could go out my window for the sixth time this year. I let my face fall into my famous pout. Rose crossed her arms but slowly uncrossed them as she started to look extremely guilty. She pouted herself in defeat as she muttered, "Diffindo," her anger still present. The ropes fell loosely around me as Lily thew me back my wand saying, "We just wanted breakfast not an argument, right Rose?" Rose nodded while putting her tomato-red hair up in a ponytail. I followed her lead as I got out of bed and looked at my curly blond hair and brilliant blue eyes in the large mirror that was hanging on my wall. I concentrated on changing the color of both. I opened my now deep purple eyes and found Rose glaring at me with her own sea blue eyes, "What is with your hair?" I looked at my now neon green hair saying, "What! I like green!" Lily rolled her chocolate brown eyes along with Rose at my statement. I ignored them as I said, "You guys ready for me to call Dotty?" They both nodded so fast I could only see a blur of red. Dotty was Dobby's daughter that liked freedom just as much as her dad did. She gets paid a galleon a day and all the time I don't have her doing something off. She mainly spends it with her mom Winki. I called softly, "Dotty!" She apparated onto my bed with a large crack wearing the dress I gave her for Christmas 3 days ago and holding a quill and her sketch pad. "What would you like for breakfast this morning misses Dumbeldore, Potter, and Weasley?" Lily and Rose both started talking but Rose was the loudest, "Blueberry Pancakes with chocolate chips covered in strawberry syrup and Green Tea, Please!" Lily repeated her order after Rose stopped talking, "Bacon, Eggs, and Coffee, Please!" I rolled my eyes at them and said to Dotty, "I would love it if I could have chocolate chip muffins" Dotty scribbled down our orders and dissapperated to the kitchens with another loud crack. I walked over to the far corner of my room to have my daily staring contest with my snowy owl Honey. Honey stared at me with her large amber eyes and after about 20 seconds I was the first to blink. Honey started hooting happily at being the winner. I let my face fall into my famous pout again. Honey started squirming uncomfortably under my gaze. I smiled while saying, “I need to send a note to mum saying We'll be in the Great Hall for breakfast as soon as we get dressed.” I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a quill and a piece of parchment laying there to write down what I said to Honey. I tied the note to Honey's leg and watched as she flew out the window towards the Great Hall. I turned to my besties and said, ”You have to get dressed if you want food.” They pouted at me as we walked into my walk-in closet. After them trying on 50 different outfits we walked out into the bedroom. Rose was wearing a tank-top made of blue silvery material that she said complements her eyes and a long black skirt. Lily was dressed in a faded gray T-shirt that had Holyhead Harpies written on the front in bold red letters and a pair of sweat pants. I was wearing a comfy purple top and a pair of black pants. “Ready to go,” I asked both of them. They nodded again as we exited the room of requirement.