Why Did You Have To Go? Why did you have to go? We could have gone together The backdoor was open, We could have made it! Why did you have to go? Your body is icy, stone cold And even though I can’t turn back to confirm The green light told me so Why did you have to go? I wish I could wake up And tell you of my dream So you’d laugh And say “Only a nightmare” Then hold me in your warm arms, Whispering “I love you” till I fell asleep Like the countless times before But that’ll never happen again Why did you have to go? You and your stupid nobility One of the many reasons I love you Dying a hero’s death, Instead of fleeing like a coward, Living so you could help raise your son Now, I too must die a hero’s death I’m sorry my baby boy, Harry forgive me Remember my lullabies And dream of me I’ll die saving you Merlin, why do we have to go?