A single torch lit a dim corridor. A head boy and girl were alone in the hall. Lily Evans starred at James Potter as a whole. She looked inside him. He was tall, brilliant, witty, and deep. What he had said only moments before made her realized how wrong she had been. He wasn’t a prat, or git, or jerk, or the other countless bad things she had thought of him as. He was a kind, caring, sweet, honest person. “A life without love isn’t a life at all. How can you live without having anyone to love?” James asked Lily in a bewildered tone. “Well,” Lily started. “My mum and dad died, I love my sister dearly but she’ll have nothing to do with a ‘freak’ like me or you, or anyone else in this bloody world that can do magic. Every boyfriend I’ve had has meant nothing to me, so I just have my friends.” She replied. “Lily, Lily, Lily. That wasn’t what I was talking about at all. I mean, outside of family, guy-girl love,” “Well, no, of course not! You can’t expect me to have found someone I want to tie the knot already! As if you have!” she looked in to his hazel eyes as they screamed “Are you sure?” “Actually, I have,” “Better purpose soon. Don’t want to lose her to some nobody!” Lily joked. “Well, I can’t do that,” “Oh, really, why not?” “One, we haven’t dated, two, she’d turn me down flat,” “Oh, tosh! What girl in her right mind would-” James ran his hand through his unruly, jet black hair. “You aren’t this thick,” “-just walk away?” This was the conversation that had left her looking James inside and out. Without warning the torch went out and James and Lily were shoved into the broom closet that they had been standing next to by the other Marauders. “Think they will finally solve their problems?” Sirius asked Remus loudly. “Maybe, we all know their in love!” Remus said just as loudly. “Sirius Black and Remus Lupin… and Pettigrew, yes I know you’re there! When I get out of here I’m hexing you all to kingdom come! Merlin help you…” Lily ranted “Hell knows no fury like a woman’s scorn,” James muttered under his breath. After ten minutes Lily lost her voice and gave into her closterphobia. She went to the corner a curled up into a little ball. She rocked back and forth whispering “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home,” James studied her actions. He had never seen her so scared. She was pale, clammy, the luster had gone from her hair, her eyes were wide, and she looked sickly. “Are you okay Lily?” James asked her. “I can’t stand to be in small places. Dark, I can handle, but I need space,” Lily answered. “Why?” James asked. “When I was three, Petunia and I were playing hide-and-go-seek. I hid in a teeny-tiny toy box. Well she found me and sat on the lid so I couldn’t get out. I’m scared for life.” Lily explained, shuddering at the awful experience. “How could your own sister do that to you?” “Mum bought me the toy we both wanted. What Petunia didn’t understand was, she broke a vase and I bought a new on with my savings. Therefore, I got the rewards. Granddad and Grandmamma gave us loads of money.” James took Lily by the hand and helped her stand up. He gave her a huge bear hug. Such warmth, Lily had never felt. She hugged him back. James finally let go and Lily became cold again. “You’re so warm,” Lily breathed. “You too,” James agreed. Lily began to shiver out of control. “Here Lily, take my cloak. You’re shivering,” James began to take off his cloak. “I’ve got a better idea,” Lily told James. She wrapped herself up in the cloak next to James, with him still inside. She put her head on his chest. “This is nice.” She whispered. “Yeah,” he agreed. Then, without thinking, Lily ran her hand through James’ messy hair that she secretly adored and gently placed her lips on his cheek. Then James quite purposely kissed her on the lips. At that exact moment Sirius opened the door. Lily kissed James back and deepened the kiss. “Merlin! Get a room!” Sirius exclaimed. Remus pushed past Sirius to see what was going on. Lily pulled away. “We had one before you opened the door,” Lily replied calmly. “I don’t believe it! Well, time to go tell the press!” Lupin grinned. “There’s no press at Hogwarts,” “Press, school’s two biggest gossips, same difference.” “What? You are not telling Rita Skeeter and Bertha Jorkins about this!” Lily roared. Lupin ran for it. “The whole school shall know by morning! James Potter and Lily Evans are dating!” Lupin yelled as he ran by a particularly chatty painting. Back at the broom cupboard… Peeves became visible in front of Sirius and James. “Ooh! What a delicious secret!” Peeves went flying off yelling: “Flowery Evans loves Potty! Flowery Evans loves Potty!” James ran after him. “No! Peeves! Shut up! Lily will kill me! Please!” he screamed. Sirius was rolling with laughter. Peter couldn’t see what was so funny. Lily couldn’t catch Remus, therefore the schools’ two biggest gossips knew. The painting was currently telling all the paintings the news. Peeves was telling all the ghosts and any students who would listen too him, and still nobody believed it till Lily kissed James at Breakfast and no less than ten students were taken to the hospital wing from shock. It got so bad that Madame Pomfrey came down to the Great Hall to see what was causing all this havoc. “What’s going on here? How’s causing all this trouble?” she asked the students. Lily timidly raised her hand. “Evans? How the fiddly did you cause trouble?” “Like this.” Lily answered before kissing James on the lips. On of the patients came back to the Great Hall and saw the kiss. She fainted again. Madame Pomfrey wore a scandalized look on her face. Then she softened her face and muttered. “It’s about time. I thought I’d have to get Horace to whip up a love potion for Lily to finally realize her feelings,” “So my dear James, who ever was that lass you said you’d like to tie the knot with?” Lily asked flirtatiously, knowing very well who it was. “You.” James replied. Lily’s face lit up. I think that can be arranged, Lily thought. Not now, but someday.