Sorry if it’s a bit slow, I’ll try to pick up the pace. Just so you know, it’s probably going to be a love story. Disclaimer- I don’t own any of harry potter Chapter 1 Mid- sixth year Sirius’s POV “James, the common room has a strict no- snogging policy”, Sirius said irritably. James just extracted himself from Lily’s arms and stared at him. “What about all the times I’ve caught you snogging girls in here?” James retorted, torn between amusement and exasperation. “Well that was before I had to see my best mate shagging his girlfriend. You look like you’re eating her face, also, you have hair in your eyes.” His statement resulted in Lily’s best friend Talia Fields chucking a pillow at his head, while James brushed Lily’s fiery curls out of his face. “You’re just jealous because you’re going to end up a sad, lonely cat lady.” Tally said, her navy blue eyes sparkling. Remus snorted behind his book, and James and Lily just went back to snogging, while Peter just snored in the armchair by the fire. “And you, my dear Talia, are just shrouding your deep passion for me with hate”, Sirius said, almost mournfully. “Shame too, a pretty girl like you might actually interest me.” Talia just rolled her eyes and tossed her silky black hair over her shoulder so it whipped across his face. Standing up from James’s lap, Lily yawned and stretched. “I’m exhausted, I’m going to bed. Wait, were did Gracie go?”The group frowned and looked to Remus for an explanation. He looked up in irritation and said, “Just because I’m her boyfriend, doesn’t mean I know where she is at all times.” Sirius laughed and said teasingly, “Well I would keep an eye on her if I were you; I might just steal her from you.” Remus just eyed him and went back to his book, muttering to himself. Talia glanced at Sirius. “I don’t think Gracie is desperate enough to go for you.” She said, smirking. James snorted, while Sirius placed a hand over his chest in an attempt to act hurt.” That was uncalled for.” “Did I hear my name?” Gracie said, her chocolate brown eyes gazing at them serenely. She sat on the arm of Remus’s chair, and he tugged her blond curls affectionately as she leaned down for a kiss. Talia smiled. “Well, we’re going to bed, see you lot in the morning.” Talia’s POV As the girls headed were getting ready for bed, they heard Violet (another girl in their dormitory) throw open the door. She flounced in, her brown hair swaying as she started to rummage through her trunk. The girls just glanced at each other and rolled their eyes. Violet was a bitch and had made her desire for James very clear: they wanted nothing to do with her. She ignored them completely as she stalked off to the bathroom to prepare for bed.