George had felt un-naturally lonely since returning to The Burrow. His whole family was there, but it still wasn’t the same, Fred was gone now. He had known immediately upon his death that his twin was dead, even though he wasn’t next to him, he could feel it deep inside him. He wouldn’t have been able to explain it if someone had asked, George guessed it was a part of being a twin. But he wasn’t a twin anymore; he wondered if this was how people who weren’t twins felt, like something was missing. He rolled over in bed; it had to be about one in the morning. George was awake, it was to quiet in his room, without Fred snoring quietly George didn’t think he could sleep. He got up, crept downstairs silently, and then walked outside to the broom cupboard. Searching in the dark he found his broom quickly and launched himself into the sky. He swooped and rolled in the night air, the moon was bright and there were a million stars. Flying always took his mind off things. After about an hour he headed back to The Burrow thinking he might be able to sleep. Over the paddock where they played Quiddich he heard voices floating up into the night air and swooped low into a tree to listen, worrying about the lingering threat of Death Eaters. “…I was so scared when I saw Hagrid carrying Harry like that. I thought he was dead” It was Hermione; she must be talking to Ron. “He did die though didn’t he” said Ron. George landed in a tree peeked out through the branches, he could see Ron lying on his back in the field looking up at the stars, Hermione was curled up next to him with her head on his shoulder. “Yes, I suppose he did” Hermione continued, “It’s amazing what he told us… about his talk with Dumbledore. “ “Do you think Harry was … is he really the ‘Master of Death’? He did have all of the Deathly Hallows from the Three Brothers Story. “ George was listening closely now. He had clearly heard Ron say that Harry was the ‘Master of Death’ and mention the three brothers’ story, was he talking about the children’s tale? Hermione sighed “He was anyway, I don’t know if he is anymore, but he must know more about death than anyone. I would have never believed that tale was real, I thought it was just a silly story“ Ron was laughing now “Do you think Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump is real too?” Hermione was giggling now and George had heard enough. They probably just wanted a little private time before Hermione left for Australia to find her parents. He didn’t want to interrupt, or watch Ron kissing his girlfriend. He flew towards home thinking about the story of the three brothers, he thought he could remember it, there was something in it about an unbeatable wand and bringing people back to life. When he landed he stuffed his broom back in the closet and ran up to his room. George looked through his bookshelf for the tales of Beadle the Bard but couldn’t find the book. He could see the cover in his head and he knew they had a copy, but it wasn’t in his room. Thinking for a moment he realized that it might be in Ginny’s room, all of the kids books the family owned had ended up in there. George sighed, he was tired, probably too tired to read anyway, he got in bed and fell asleep quickly but his dreams were disturbed, Lupin kept telling him that Harry was the “Master of Death” and could bring them all back but Fred said he didn’t want to come back he was having too much fun flying around playing pranks on Peeves the Hogwarts poltergeist. *** The light was bright in his room when George awoke; he thought it must be late and vaguely wondered why his mother had let him sleep in. He wandered out onto the landing and could hear everyone talking downstairs. Deciding that this was the perfect time to check Ginny’s room for the book he silently slipped up the stairs and peeked into her room before entering. There was no one in there and he quickly and quietly moved to her bookcase and immediately found the book he was looking for, turning around to leave he found himself face to face with Ginny. “What are you doing in here, George?” Ginny asked, she didn’t sound mad, which he thought that was good, the last thing he wanted was to be on the end of one of her ‘Bat Bogey Hexes’ “Oh, um, I’ve been having trouble …getting to sleep and thought I would pick up something to read, I’ve read all my books a hundred times, I haven’t looked at this one in years.” He held up the book for her to see, “I liked when Mum used to read some of these stories to us when we were little.” Ginny looked suddenly sad, George knew she was thinking of Fred. She signed loudly and looked down for a second then said “Oh…right…well enjoy it, you can take any of my books you want… I hope it helps.” George slinked off, he felt horrible for making Ginny feel bad but he wasn’t really sure how to interact with his family at the moment. He suddenly felt like he didn’t know how to be with his family at all anymore, it had always been him and Fred, now he was alone. He headed back to his room and heard his mother calling him from downstairs, ignoring her he went straight to his room and closed the door. He sat down on the window seat and flipped through The Tales of Beadle the Bard until he found the story he was looking for. The Tale of The Three Brothers had a moving drawing of death on the title page. He paged through the story and noticed that it was only a few pages. He was excited now, and started to read fervently and finished in just a few minutes. After reading the story he was filled with more questions than when he started, it didn’t mention anything about “Deathly Hallows” and he still didn’t know what they were. Thinking about Death’s three gifts he thought he would like the stone the best so he could bring Fred back. George wasn’t sure that he understood. He thought about it for a minute, the story definitely didn’t mention anything about the Master of Death or Deathly Hallows. He read it again more slowly this time hoping that he missed something. He hadn’t, he sat thinking he for a long time watching out the window. He would have to ask Harry to know what Ron was talking about. George’s stomach gave a loud growl, he hadn’t realized that he was so hungry; he stood up slowly and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Ron and Harry were sitting at the table silently devouring a large pile of sandwiches. Ron finished chewing his mouthful and looked up at their mother, “Thanks so much Mum, I feel like I haven’t eaten properly in a year.” Harry was nodding in agreement as he chewed; he swallowed his bite and said, “Yeah, thank you so much Mrs. Weasley, these sandwiches are just wonderful.” “It’s my pleasure boys, you both have gotten so skinny.” “We’ve been living off fungus too much.” George silently slid into the seat across from Harry. He smiled shyly up at him and grabbed a sandwich. Thinking about what he would say to Harry he started to eat slowly. He would have to get him on his own but he wasn’t sure how to do that. “Ron” George said slowly “Where’s Hermione?” “She went to the Ministry with Dad, to arrange a portkey to Australia. She want’s to leave as soon as possible to get her parents. She really misses them.” Ron said with a sad note in his voice. “When do you think she will leave?” “Tomorrow… or the next day, she hasn’t said for sure.” “Are you going with her?” George asked. This seemed to surprise Ron; it was almost as if he hadn’t thought of it. “Well… I …um…” Ron had turned completely red and looked up at his mother quickly and then back down at his plate. “If you love her, you should go with her.” George said strongly. At this their mother dropped the pan she had been hand scrubbing and turned around looking scandalized. “Ron, you and Hermione?” Ron turned more red if it was possible, he looked like he was about to choke, he looked from George to his mother not knowing what to say. “Well?” Demanded his mother. Ron took a deep breath, stood up, and looked straight at his mother, “Yes, I love Hermione, and… and I think she loves me too.” She looked a little surprised that Ron had stood up to her like this, but she smiled at him kindly “That’s wonderful, I’m so happy for you” she smiled at her youngest son and then chuckled to herself a little, “your father will be so happy to have muggles in the family” she then walked out of the kitchen into the laundry room. Ron’s face went from red to white and he jumped up and followed his mother saying he wasn’t ready to get married yet and she better not start planning his wedding. George looked up at Harry who was grinning and grinned himself, it had worked. “Harry, do you want to go for a walk? I have something I’d like to ask you.” He looked surprised to be asked this but then slowly shook his head yes and they walked out the door together. They both walked in silence toward the paddock. George considered carefully what to say. “Um…I’ll be honest… I overheard Ron and Hermione talking about what happened… in the battle… and I wanted to ask you something.” Harry looked sort of sad and didn’t seem to know what to say he just shook his head and looked down. George continued, “I heard them say you actually died, that you were the ‘Master of Death’ and something about ‘The Story of the Three Brothers’ that I don’t really get.” “Right” Harry said quietly. “You died in the forest, Harry?” “Yeah, I did” Harry turned and looked at George gravely. “What happened when you died?” George said softly Harry was quiet for a short while, it looked like he was deciding what to say and whether to tell the truth, finally he looked up at George and said “I went to King’s Cross Station, I don’t think every one goes there though, it might be different for everyone, to me King’s Cross represents a big transition in my life, it’s the passageway into the wizarding world. I know it sounds crazy, but I talked with Dumbledore then I kind of had the option to get on the train and go on or come back.... I wanted to come back and fight.” “But your not a ghost, Nearly Headless Nick told me something similar once but he came back as a ghost” George said quickly he was excited now. “Yes, well, it’s more complicated than that. When Voldemort tried to kill me as a baby he accidentally transferred a part of his soul into me, so when he tried to kill me he killed that part of his soul which resided in me. The rest of me had a choice.” “Tell me about the Three Brothers story and being ‘Master of Death’” said George surprised at himself. Harry looked startled for a second then said “Have you read the story?” Harry said and George nodded quickly. “Well there is a legend that says whoever collects the three objects in the story will be the ‘Master of Death’” “It is real then? And you have all three of the items? The stone, cloak and wand?” “Well I did, at one point,” Harry said quickly at George’s hungry look, “I have the cloak, it was my fathers, he passed it to me and I will pass it to my child some day. The ring and the wand are gone, we destroyed them, so don’t ask, look I know what you are thinking, I thought the same thing myself, but remember the girl in The Three Brothers story she wasn’t happy she didn’t belong in this world anymore, Fred wouldn’t want to come back either, he will have gone on.” George was quiet for a long time. He thought about what Harry was talking about but couldn’t help asking another question “Where do you go, when you die? Where would you have gone on to?” “I don’t know.” George looked at Harry quizzically, and said quietly, “Do you think they are all together?” “Yes,” Harry said clearly then chuckled “Can you imagine all the trouble Fred will get into with Sirius, Lupin and my Dad?” George smiled, too, for the first time, but it only lasted a second, the thought of Fred having a good time in the afterlife had never occurred to him “I just wish I knew what Fred would want me to do. I feel lost. I don’t know how I can go and run the joke shop and have fun knowing I won’t see him again” “You will see him again!” Harry said sharply “Haven’t you been listening to me? Look I know it’s hard that Fred is gone now but the best thing you can do is not let it ruin the rest of your life. George, I know you are upset, and it is understandable, but Fred wouldn’t want you to spend the rest of your life pining after him. I can’t see why you should do anything different than you were doing before. Your shop is great and we all need a good laugh after the last few years.” “I just don’t think I can run that place on my own.” George said quietly thinking about all the things Fred was in charge of at the shop. “You don’t have to do it alone George, there are tons of people who would love to help you, you have four other brothers for Merlin’s sake, how about Ron or Percy? I bet Percy would be great at helping you with the books.” They walked back up to the house in almost complete silence, George was thinking about the shop and if he should really reopen it. It was the first time since his death that he hadn’t been thinking about Fred. It would give him something to do, moving everything out if Muriel’s house and setting up the shop. When they walked into the kitchen a few minutes later George felt considerably better. Ron was sitting at the table eating sandwiches again, he looked miserable, George felt momentarily bad for tossing him under the train then had a sudden thought, “Oi, Ron, you want to go Muriel’s with me? I want to start moving the joke shop inventory back to the store at Diagon Alley, I could use some help.” Ron perked up immediately, “Yeah, that sounds like fun” George smiled then looked at Harry who was looking over Ron’s shoulder at something and smiling. George followed Harry’s eyes to the family clock above the mantel; he hadn’t noticed it since they had returned home, his mother must have returned it to its old resting place. Then he realized what Harry must be smiling at, the hand that was labeled Fred was pointing at home.