Life is Full of Surprises Prologue A.N.:I don’t own the HP characters Jo Rowling does. Please review it is my first fic on this site. In a small flat in London a 17 year old with jet black, messy hair and bright, emerald green eyes paced across his living room thinking about a wizarding device called horcruxes(which held a portion of wizards soul). This man’s name was Harry Potter(also known as the boy-who-lived or the chosen one). It was the summer before Harry’s 7th year at Hogwarts, the wizarding school for under age wizards and witches. He and his best friends, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, had decided to attend because Harry’s late mentor, Albus Dumbledore, had said education was what decided the future of the wizarding world. Harry had gone back to his Aunt and Uncle’s house one last time earlier in the summer because Dumbledore had told him to before he was murdered by Snape. But when he had turned 17 he was out of that house before someone could say don’t. He was supposed to go to Bill and Fleur’s wedding, but they got hitched in secret, even Mr. and Mrs.Weasley weren’t there(apparently they were very mad about that). Harry had gotten his own flat in muggle London and had begun searching for the horcruxes. He had found two, Slytherin’s locket and Hufflepuff’s cups, but with a price to pay, he had a run in with that traitor Snape and had gotten hurt. It was a week until September 1st and he was going to the Burrow until school started at which time Hermione, Ron, and he were going to board the Hogwarts Express. Harry couldn’t wait to play quidditch with Ron on the pitch he had or eat one of Mrs. Weasley delicious home meals or even have Mr. Weasley ask him questions about muggle devices, such as rubber ducks.It was going to be awkward though for he and Ginny, the youngest Weasley, had broken up. For her safety, he reminded himself for the millionth time as he stared at a picture of her being chased by him near the lake. He put down that photo face down so that he wouldn.t have to think about the happy times with her. He sighed as he pulled out his wand and said, ”Accio bagel and pumpkin juice.” A bagel came whizzing out of his small kitchen(recently remodeled) and into his hands along with a glass of pumpkin juice, which was spilling slightly. I might as well eat before I apparate to the Burrow, He thought. After stuffing the bagel down his throat and drinking his pumpkin juice he walked out of the flat and in to the cold alley behind it. He then concentrated on the Burrow and turned on his heel. It felt as though he was being squeezed through a small tube when he was surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of the Burrow, gasping for breath to fill his lungs with.