Alright, look. The story of the marauders is not what you think it is. There was something else, or someone else, that happened; the truth, and I’m going to tell you so that you can know what really happened too. It all started on a bright sunny morning. A boy, Jeff Potter, walked onto the Hogwarts express, and saw a popular boy by the name of Lucious Malfoy. “Hey!” he said. “Potter! Why don’t you come join us!” Lucious responded. Lucious Malfoy, Severus Snape, Lestrange, and Jeff Potter all sat down together and talked and laughed and joked. Before they knew it, the five were at Hogwarts. It was their first year, and they all bravely walked into the castle leading their peers. “Hello. I’m Professor McGonagall and in a moment, you will enter into the great hall.” She said. “Ok, guys! You are all going to be in Slytherin with me, right?” said Lucious Malfoy. “What makes you so sure we will make it?” said Severus. “TRUST me. I will definitely make it! I’M a pureblood, from the ancient Malfoy family. There has never been a Malfoy who has not been in Slytherin, unless you want to count those who were born before Hogwarts was created. “Well, I sure hope I make it into Slytherin. That will sure show him!” said Jeff. “Who? Show who?” said Lestrange. “Oh, it's just my dad, but I don’t want to talk about him.” Said Jeff. The first years entered the hall talking wildly, but settled down when Dumbledor stood up, except the four who were still laughing at a joke until Mrs. McGonagall put a spell on them so that their lips were literally glued together so that they couldn’t make any more noise. The sorting hat was taken out and names started to be called out. They didn’t listen in much, just snickered to themselves when they saw other students, then watched as each of them were picked. “Lestrange!...SLYTHERIN!” “Malfoy, Lucious!...SLYTHERIN!” “Potter, James! A skinny tall boy walked up, giving scared looks to some of the weird kids that had been on the train. They were an interesting lot, and weren’t all even pureblood. One was tall with dark hair. One had short blondish hair who was supposedly very smart. One was small and had a rat-like face. The last one, James, had messy dark hair with blue eyes and a worried look on his face. “GRYFFINDOR!” James Potter left to join his friends, now happier than ever. “Hey Jeff? That other Potter…” said Lucious, smirkingly. “No relation.” Said Jeff. “Ooo! Are you sure? He has your eyes!” said Severus, laughing. “I said NO RELATION!” answered Jeff. “Look, I’m also from a pureblood family! Lots of ancestors, lots of cousins, lots of aunts and uncles. For all I know, he could be the great great great great grandson of my great great great great godfather on the other side! I don’t know who the bloody hell this guy is, but I do know that if anyone teases me or brings this up again, they will awake the next morning very sticky, uncomfortable, confused, and maybe missing a body part or two!” The other boys snickered, but dropped it. After all, they looked nothing alike. The other boy, James, looked happy, clean, and bright. He was bouncy; a pretty boy, and he was in Gryffindor. Jeff had long slicked dark brown hair, and it was hanging in his face. His eyes were cold, and hard, almost threatening, and he was shorter and bulkier. He had big muscles and looked very intimidating. He had dark bags under his eyes and had no fear. The others decided not to mess with him. He was fun to hang with, but if you got in his way, then the fact that he was also very smart could make it very hard to get away with it without him making you regret it. “Potter, Jeff!” Lucious looked around toward James, who didn’t even look up, but was still talking with his perky new friends. Before the hat even touched his head, it shouted “SLYTHERIN!” When Jeff came and joined the Slytherin table, the other congratulated him and sat down. They joined their house later and were all in a room together. Lucious Malfoy, Severus Snape, Jeff Potter, and Lestrange. “Hey Lestrange, why don’t you have a first name? Or is that your first name and you don’t have a last name?” asked Jeff. “I’m Lestrange. That’s all I’m saying.” “Man, two Potters in one year. This is going to be confusing. That other pretty boy looks like a nuisance, don’t you think?” asked Severus. “Looks like it to me.” Said Lucious. Meanwhile, Sirius Black joined Remus Lupin, Peter Petigrew, and James Potter, asking the same thing. “So, James, are you sure you don’t know that other Potter? I mean you said…” “No, Sirius. I already told you, I don’t know the guy. I come from a huge pureblood family. You should know how that is, Sirius! Lots of people with the same last name. Plus, you don’t think that guy even remotely looks like me, do you?” “Oh, no. We were just wondering…I mean, your face and features, like you eyes look…” said Lupin. “No realation.” Said James, firmly, and went to bed. The four boys, Potter, Malfoy, Snape, and Lestrange walked down to Potions. The rounded the corner when Jeff said ‘Oops, forgot my books, be back in a minute.’ Then they saw four other boys standing there; the pretty boys they had seen the night before. “Move it, Gryffindors.” Said Malfoy. “Don’t believe we’ve made an acquaintance.” Said James. “We don’t want to be aquainted with you scum.” Said Snape as he pushed by. At once, a red light hit him in the back when purple bubbles started streaming from his mouth. “I think you need to watch your mouth, Snape!” said Sirius. “You’d better watch yours, Gryffindor!” snapped Jeff, just coming with his book. “Come on, Sirius. Lets go to class” said James as he grabbed him without looking at the Slytherins and going into the classroom as they stared them down. Jeff gave a snort of duisgust with his friends as the pretty boy Gryffindors walked pitifully by.