Sorry this took so long, i wrote a chapter twice and then had a brainwave for this. I know its very sort but the next one wont be and i hope wont take as long either. Please review i want to know all your thoughts and ideas. *********************************************** She floated high above Hogwarts, unable to control her movement, unable to do anything but watch. A massive maelstrom of violence raged below, as two forces clashed. She could see banners and flags posted proudly on top of the battlements, figures darting around them, the whole scene illuminated by the full moon. A mass of fighters poured from the blasted castle in a great charge, slamming into the force spread out all over the grounds, from the great lake to the path up the castle from the gate. The force from the castle had uniforms of different schools, Auror cloaks, and even armour and numbered into the thousands. She could tell even from this distance it was a army drawn from all over. Wizards and witch’s dived from the towers of Hogwarts, flying toward the fight on a large range of brooms. Incredibly werewolves and things that looked for the world like vampires ran alongside them. Even Goblins charged, as well as countless other species, creating a force of the like never seen in thousands of years. The second force was a pure nightmare. Long cloaks billowed in the wind and smoke, marking them as death eaters, whilst nearly a dozen giants stomped forward. Dementors glided above them, easily coming up to a thousand. Hundreds of pale forms shambled around, which she recognised as Inferi from the leaflet’s the ministry had been giving out. Hundreds of other beasts and monsters she didn’t recognise ran toward the approaching force, the very ground shaking with thousands of charging feet. With a mighty roar of battle cries and wordless shouts a third army came running though the gate and promptly feel upon the death eater force, cutting them in half with one part trapped between them and the forbidden forest were nearly a thousand centaurs stormed into them form behind, the other against the great lake were mer-people and the giant squid rose from the depths to grab and spear them. This new force looked like just normal wizards and witches, dressed in robes of all manner’s of designs, from all over the world. They were simply normal people that seemed to have no reason for being in the battle than having chosen to. With a billow of wind and primal howls massive beasts fell from the sky, dragons of unnameable size, tearing into the giants and scatting the Dementors. Huge streams of fire burst from their mouths, incinerating dozens of death eaters at a time. The great grounds of hogwarts were turned into scorched mud, soaked with blood as spells were thrown everywhere, no quarter shown. Many of the fighters from the castle wore armour, but the ones that looked the hardest and best made were worn by fighters who carried not just wands but swords and axes, chopping death eaters down with deadly skill. She saw men and women fight and die with courage and passion that burned into her heart, watching feat after fight of sacrifice and courage. She saw an Auror take a killing curse for a young boy, no more than seventeen. She saw a death eater Crucio a schoolgirl with the uniform of Beauxbatons, only to be slain by a swordthrust. A giant swung a club the size of a full-grown oak into a group of fighters, uncaring which side it hit. A dragon dived into the beast, smashing it onto its knees. The Giant groped round its back and grasped the spiked tail. It swung the dragon off its back and round in a great circle until the beast snapped out and bit the giant’s hand of at the wrist. It stepped back howling and the dragon lunged forward, its teeth sinking into the throat and brutally ripped its massive head off. With a last roar the dragons took to the air once more. A massive explosion sent bodies flying though the air toward the centre of the fight. She drifted closer to the figure standing in the created clearing and saw with horror what the sixteen-year-old who had once possessed her had become. Voldemort cut down two men with killing curses, laughing insanely as he killed. She saw a Hogwarts student she recognised as a seventh year blown apart with three others as a ball of black flame hit them, cast so quickly by Voldemort he had dropped another with another killing curse before the ball hit. The fight all around the dark lord raged on until the fighters directly in front of him parted and the boy he hated more than anyone-else in the world came toward him. And the boy She loved. Harry Potter stood before Lord Voldemort and locked green eyes with red. The vision faded and she felt herself being pulled though the air at a break neck pace. Ginny Weasley awoke in the Borrow covered in sweat and began to cry.