the zoo scene Harry:i see that's me aswell i never knew my parents either. Dudley:Mummy dad come here you won't believe what this snake is doing. Knocks harry on his side Harry:Ow what did you do that for you idiot. Directer:Cut cut,now Harry you don't say that line,you don't say anything at all when he knocks you onto the floor got it? Harry:right Getting onto platform nine and three quarters. Mrs weasley:Now all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten,best do a little bit of a run if you're nervous. Ginny:good luck. Harry runs to the wall but ends up crashing into it instead of going through it. Harry:Owwwwwwwwwww my nose i think it's broken,stupid wall (kicks the wall). Director:Cut somebody get him out off here and calm him down,we need to do that scene again. the sorting McGonGal:Harry potter Harry goes up to the sorting stool but trips up on the way. Everyone in the great hall burst out laughing. Harry:What are you all laughing at?i hate you all,i'm never coming here again(runs out of the great hall,the crew are chasing after him). Director:Come on let's do that scene again. Snape's lesson. Snape:Clearly,fame isn't everything is it mr potter? HarryOf course it is compared to you. Look at you,you're hair is so greasy that it looks as though you haven't had a hair wash at all,i reckon you and Filch should make up a club called the greasy haired club for people with greasy hair. Director:cut stop filming,Harry you don't insult Snape in this scene. Now come on let's try the scene again. qudditch scene Harry's broom is going out of control Harry:Stupid broom,why isn't it behaving itself?,stop being a nuisance or i'll chuck you into the forbidden forest. Director:Oh for goodness sake CUT.Now Harry will you stop being so stupid and do what it says in the script. Harry:But the stupid broom is going beserk. Director:That's what it's supposed to do,the script says so,now stop mucking about and go along with the script. Forbidden forest scene Harry and Draco have just scene the mysterious Hooded figure. Draco has run off and the figure is approaching Harry Harry:(Scared)Do you come in peace,are you an extremely evil Alien from another planet? Director:Cut. How Harry for the last time,stop making up you're own lines. There is a script you know.Let's try that scene again. Harry meets Voldemort Voldemort:Harry Potter we meet again. Harry:since when have we met before,i've never seen you before in my life. Director:CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT.For goodness sake i am extremely getting angry now with you harry,stop making up your own lines. Harry:But it's boring just following the script(throws the script in the air and the papers from it scatter everywhere)i'm writing my own script(picks up a spare piece of script and begins writing on it). Director:that's it i'm quitting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's some outtakes that i've made up from the first Harry Potter movie. The next chapter will be ones from the second movie.