Severus Snape was writing the name of the most beautiful girl in the world's name on his piece of parchment. Lily Evans was printed all over the page. 'We used to be friends' he thought. Well they were until he screwed up. Big time. He insulted her, her friends, and James Potter. He thought it was the insulting of her and her friends but it was Potters' name that did it. Then the next day she was sitting near Potter and laughing-yes laughing-at Potter's jokes. But that was a year and a half ago. Then at the beginning of term it was all over the school. Lily Evans and James Potter were going out. Yes his life sucked. They were in all of his classes. And they were always touching! His hand on her's. Her hand on his. His arm around her waist. Her arm's around his neck. And they were always snogging. In classroom's in broomclosets, behind pillars, everywhere he turned they were snogging! Finally the bell rang for classes to end for the day. He ran from the classroom then it hit him. The paper was still in the classroom. He ran back to get the paper but was stopped by a girls giggling. He looked in the door it was open to where he could see inside. There was Lily sitting on the teacher's desk and Potter was standing near the desk. He knelt down. 'What the hell is Potter doing?' He thought Lily smiled and laughed. "James what are you doing?" She asked when she saw what Potter was doing. "Lils, you know I love you right?" Potter asked she nodded and looked down at him. His heart fell 'Please don't let her say "I love you, too,"' He pleaded silently. "Yeah, Jamie, I know you love me. I love you, too." She said looking down at him. His heart fell down to the floor. "No," he whispered under his breath. "Well come on lets go to the lake." He said I quickly stopped watching and ran behind a pillar. James and Lily exited the classroom James's arm around her waist and her arm around his. He followed. 'The paper could wait.' He thought as he ran to catch up to them. Potter had this all planned. There was a blanket and candles and a basket. Lily gasped and kissed him. "Jamie! It's beautiful!" She exclaimed when she broke the kiss. They walked toward the blanket. They sat down, started eating, and then an hour later the question popped up. "Jamie why did you bring me out here?" Lily asked. Potter smiled and led her to a tree. He quickly made a swing and she sat on it. He kneeled down. "Lily Evans I love you with all my heart and soul ever since I first laied eyes on you. These past six months and twelve days-yes I'm so obsessed I've been counting- have been wonderful. Lils I love you so much I want to marry you one day and have little children together. So what I'm asking is. Wow this is hard! Lily Evans will you marry me?" Potter asked all the organs in my body fell out and started dancing around my feet. 'SAY NO, LILY, SAY NO!' His mind screamed. "YES!" She squeeled and jumped into Potter's arms. He broke down then. He turned and left. It didn't matter if Potter saw him. It didn't matter that anyone saw him. Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ LILY'S POV "Now we will hear from are validictorian James Potter!" Said Proffessor Dumbledore. I stood up and clapped. We hadn't told anyone but the Marauders and my group the Ladies. James went up I smiled. The ring he was wearing glinted in the sunlight of the open courtyard. I grined and looked down at the dimond I was wearing. "Well thank you Professor's for making this a great experience here at Hogwarts. Well I never thought I'd be validictorian I thought it would be Lily Evans who was up here, to tell you the truth. Well all I have to say is congradulations and good luck to all of you. I don't think I'd even be here right now if it weren't for Lily. I want to tell you all something thats going to affect my life forever. Lily Evans and I are engaged!" James said everyone was clapping. Lily was being congradulated. When James finished his speech Lily walked toward him and kissed him. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ THREE MONTHS LATER SEVERUS'S POV He looked out the window as he watched the 'Daily Prophet' owl flew closer and closer. He opened the window, paied the owl, and started reading. He was shocked as he saw a picture of Lily with Potter and Black. She was smiling at James and Sirius. Her emrald green eyes were glowing. Her hair was put into a bun on the top of her head. She was in a white strapless gown holding a boquet of lillies some lilies were put in her hair holding a veil. A ring was slipped onto her ring finger over a glove that went up to her elbows. She was in a black choker with a golden snitch on it. Potter was dressed in a black muggle suit coat and pants. He had a purple tie and a lily stuck where the flower is supposed to go. He was wearing the same band on his ring finger. Black was wearing the same thing but with no ring. He read the caption underneath. 'James Potter, 19, Son of the Head of the Auror Department and Lily Evans, 19, secretary to Mr. Potter. The duo have just been married. "I cant wait for life with James!" Says an enthusiastic Lily. "She's the best thing thats ever happened to me." Says James only moments before his ceromony. "They were made for each other. Lily, James, when you have a kid I call Godfather!" Laughs Sirius Black, 19, Lily laughs and James scowls. Information we have colected says that they weren't exactly Hogwarts sweet hearts till their seventh year. "Merlin I forgot that Lily hated him!" Says a laughing Remus Lupin. "DID NOT!" Yells the bride in between kisses from her husband. Well Congradulations Mr. & Mrs. James Potter!' Severus grimmaced. 'I gave up on her a long time ago.' He thought. He joined the Dark Lord because on her. He was his man. Right? ~*~*~*~~*~ SEVEN MONTHS LATER JAMES'S POV "JAMES!" Lily yelled from hallway. I ran toward her she was grinning like mad. "Lils, what's wrong?" I asked she grinned again. "James I'm pregnate!" She exclaimed I broke into a grin and started dancing around with her. "I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad!" I sang as Lily and I danced. When we sat down Lily laied down I rubbed her stomach. "So what do you wanna name him?" I asked she smiled. "Harry....Harry James Potter. Or, if it's a girl, Katherine Anne Potter." Lily said I smiled. "It's gonna be a girl." I said she shook her head. "Boy," she said I grinned finally this family was beginning. ~*~*~*~*~*~ SEVERUS'S POV "The owl flew into the open window. I paied the owl and opened the paper. My jaw dropped because there was Lily her hair was loose on her shoulders and she was holding a bundle. Potter was kissing her cheek and ruffling the hair of a baby that was in a bundle. The baby had Lily's eyes but he looked just like Potter. He didn't even read the caption he threw the paper down. ~*~*~*~*~ ONE YEAR LATER "Dead?" I choked Dumbledore nodded. I clapsed into a chair. I closed my eyes. I dosen't matter now! Nothing! My poor Lily! Even Potter didn't deserve to die. Then it hit me. I'm in a nightmare! I opened my eyes. It wasn't. I am in Hell. "Dumbledore, I'm you're man." I whispered then walked out of te office.