The rain fell heavily on the road, creating a loud pitter patter on the pavement. Thunder rumbled overhead, getting louder and louder, until it was almost deafening. No one, man or animal, were braving the storm. Most were warm in their homes, maybe in front of the television, or having an early meal. The only life form in the area was a teenage girl, running slowly down the street, as she was weighed down by a large bag. The girl’s long brown curls hung limp and wet, her grey and blue school dress was soaked, and her large green eyes were overflowing with tears, falling slowly down her pale cheeks, along with the many raindrops. She furiously wiped stray tears from her cheeks, until her face looked halfway decent. Suddenly a voice came from behind her, in the unpenetratable haze of rain. “Sashé! Sashé! Wait! Come on, stop for a second!” Sashé turned around, her heart sinking as she recognised the voice of the young man who was running towards her. She began to walk away again, but he eventually caught up to her, grabbing her shoulders. “Sashé! Sashé, please listen to me! Hear me out, please- Sashé!” He exclaimed as she began to walk away. He ran in front of her, heading her off. She faced him, her eyes passing over him slowly. “Dean. Move.” She said slowly, with no expression in her voice then that of loathing. Dean looked at her with a pained expression. “But you need to listen to me-“ he began again, but Sashé silenced him with a glare. “Move. NOW!” She shouted, so loud that some people in the houses looked away from their tasks and complained about teenage hooligans who were so rude and loud. Dean had an expression of rage on his usually beautiful face, but he quickly masked it with understanding. “Look, I see why you are a little upset-“ “A little? A little? Oh, looks like the brilliant, talented Dean Humphries has finally got it wrong! You think that I’m a little upset? I AM FURIOUS! You do know that you have shattered my heart into little pieces, don’t you?” Sashé exclaimed with rage, and Dean frowned. “I think you are exaggerating a little Sashé.” Sashé stared at him hopelessly, her ears refusing to listen to what he was saying. “Oh yes Dean. It’s normal to have the one you love lie to you, and go around behind your back with your best friend. It’s perfectly alright that you took her to a party and offered to drive her home drunk! You crashing and her dying, oh yes, that is an everyday occurrence, nothing to worry about. I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU! You killed Amanda, it’s your fault that she is dead. And you go chasing after me, seconds after you told me that you were cheating on me with her before she died, and expect that you will be forgiven, that everything will be ok. Well it isn’t! It never will be, so leave me alone!” A deafening silence remained after Sashé’s outburst. Dean stared at her in what appeared to be shock mixed with horror. Sashé nearly laughed at the irony of it all. Just ten minutes ago she was staring at him with that exact expression on her face. She stood there, staring him down. No-one spoke. No-one dared to break the fragile silence. Finally, Dean managed to stammer some words. “Sashé…….Please…….I do really care about you-“ “CARE! CARE! You don’t care! You never did! You told me you loved me, then five seconds later you’re off pashing my best friend! Who is now dead because of you! How do I know you weren’t cheating on her to, with some other girl?” She spat, and was horrified at the guilty expression on his face. “No….How many girls did you have on the side? Right. That’s obviously why you always insisted we kept it a secret. Amanda wasn’t to blame at all, was she. She didn’t know. You betrayed her, just like you betrayed me!” Dean could think of no excuses. Bracing himself, he replied. “Yes.” He mumbled under his breath. Sashé seethed with anger. She pushed him with supressed anger, and felt a certain pleasure in finally having someone to blame, someone to focus the torment and grief she had been feeling for three days on. Dean looked again taken aback. He seemed to have no idea how to handle the situation. Sashé glared at him with intense energy. “Anything else to say Dean? Any other useless excuses? Any more lies to uncover?” He grimaced. Sashé took it for a no, and walked off slowly, hugging herself as she began to run towards the park. She did not turn back, to see if Dean was following her. She had a feeling he wouldn’t dare. But her instinct was wrong. As usual. She felt a hand on her shoulder. “Sashé, wait-“ He began, but she whirled around, and punched him in the nose. “That was for Amanda!” she said as he swore. “And this is for me!” She screamed, kicking the back of his leg so he keeled over. She ran swiftly, leaving Dean swearing and bleeding behind her. Sashé swerved around the many trees surrounding the now deserted park. She stopped by a tree and collapsed on the ground, tears rolling quickly down her cheeks. She let out a sob, and began to cry bitterly. Suddenly a piece of paper landed in her lap, rolled up in a tight ball. She stared at it for a moment, but then strangely, her curiousity overcome her, and she opened it. Through her tear-filled eyes she began to read slowly. You know someone Know their smile But then the truth is uncovered The smile is gone And all that is left Is a broken heart Sashé stared at it with amazement. It summed up her feelings so accurately. It was like someone had put every feeling she had on paper. She looked around desperately, trying to find the person who wrote it. But there was no humans anywhere near. Sashé stared at the note again. Down the bottom, written in small writing, was a message. p.s The broken heart will mend Then you will be free I know from experience A friend M.J p.s.s. I found the poem on a toilet door. Don’t go thinking I’m a master poet. Sashé found herself laughing uncontrollably. Whoever had sent this to her, M.J, had made her feel the slightest bit happy again. “Thanks, whoever you are.” She whispered into the night, as she clutched the note to her heart. Mary watched in the distance as the teenage girl sat under the tree, smiling. I’ve done a good thing, she thought to herself as she walked away, grinning, and clutching a notepad and a pencil.