The usually quiet apartment in the city was suddenly filled with noise. A young woman with messy black hair, skin as pale as the snow, and with piercing grey eyes ran into the apartment, spinning around quickly. A bolt of fire flew past, and she avoided it with ease. Maya put out her hand quickly. “Potion!” She said, and in a flurry of white light a small bottle was in her hand. She stared at the demon who had entered her apartment with triumph. “See you later. Or never.” She said, ready to throw the potion. But the demon was to quick for her. He suddenly shimmered out of the room. Maya stared, confused. Suddenly she felt a hand grab her and she whirled around, to see the Demon holding her, a fireball in his hand. Maya quickly kicked him, putting all of her strength into it. He let go and she orbed out, into the kitchen. To her horror, he had shimmered there as well. He began to hurl fireballs at her, which she avoided hastily. Maya looked around to see that her apartment was ruined. To her horror, flames were slowly reaching her desk. Where her laptop was, which contained all of her stories. Now this was personal. “Laptop!” She said, and it orbed into her hand. She lifted the other and hurled the potion at the demon. He exploded in flames, crying in anguish. Maya smiled softly, walking slowly over to where he had been vanquished. A small bracelet had fallen to the ground. Maya frowned. She could have sworn she had seen it on a witch she had met at a shop. A witch who had mysteriously died. She reached down for it, but the moment her hand touched it, her mind went blurry. She was in a large house. A group of demons was attacking four people. A woman with long brown hair higlighted with blonde blew up one of them with her hands. Another woman began to fly in the air, kicking one in the stomach, but he blew her away. She hit the wall with a thud. A man with purple spikes ran over and tried to heal her, but he was blown into the wall as well. A younger man, with dark hair and dark eyes shimmered- like a demon! But then he threw a fireball at one of the demons. Maya was thrown from the vision suddenly. She gasped. She had seen some witches- or where they all witches- in danger! But then she realised why they looked so familiar. They were her cousins. ~~~~~~ Maya knocked softly on the brown door, peering through the window. Number 17, Chestnut Drive. The home of her cousins. They had all opted to live together, unlike Maya, who wished to live by herself. She was still confused by the vision she had. Her cousins were, as far as she knew, not able to do magic. She had inherited her powers early in life. They wouldn’t be pleased to see her though. She was not in their good books. She had accidently gone out with Abby’s older boyfriend, not knowing who it was. Of course, Abby was heartbroken. But she had said that she was sure it was an accident… The others, however, had seen it as betrayal of the lowest form. Jacob took it the worst, the usually quiet man argued with her for hours. He and Abby were very close, being the closest in age. Max and Suzannah were on the fence. They tried to convince Maya that it was all right, but she could see the tiny ray of doubt in their minds, even in Marley’s mind, the happy, careless Max. He was possibly the closest to her of all the cousins. She knocked again, smoothing out her black shirt and adjusting her bag to a more comfortable position on her shoulder. She had brought her guitar as well, and was putting it down when suddenly the door opened. Maya stared. Standing in front of her was the brown haired woman who could blow up a demon with her hands. Her cousin Suzannah Kelly. Suzannah stared at Maya, who smiled. “Hi Suze. Um…My apartment caught fire and I was wondering whether I could stay with you. And the others.” Suzannah raised an eyebrow. “Max! Come here!” She shouted, and Maya’s cousin Max ran up, running a hand through his purple spikes. “Maya?” He said, surprised. “What are you doing here?” Another man walked up, his dark eyes narrowed suspiciously. Suzannah smiled nervously. “Come in Maya, come in.” She said, her eyes warning her younger brother Jacob not to comment. Maya entered the house. It was old fashioned, and it had a strong feel of- well, magic! She followed Suzannah to the lounge room, and sat tentatively on the couch. The other three sat on other chairs, all staring intently at her. Maya felt a bit awkward. “Er- I was expecting you to be at work.” She said to Suzannah, the only one who seemed to be alright with her being there. Suzannah smiled halfheartedly. “Yeah, I had the day off today. Abby’s out looking for a job. She should be back in a second…” As if the thought of Abby had conjured her up, the blonde haired beauty ran into the lounge room. “Guess what! I got a job! A modelling agency…Maya?” She said as she saw Maya sitting on the couch, startled. Maya smiled apolegetically. “Maya’s coming to stay with us for a while. Her apartment burnt down.” Suzannah said. Maya nodded, then realising what Suzannah had said, whirled around. “I can?” Suzannah nodded. “Shall I show you your room?” She asked, and Maya nodded enthusiastically. Finally, it seemed something was going right. But knowing her luck, that could all change in an instant. Especially if her cousins had powerful magical powers. Demons would be here soon enough. Maya vowed to keep her eyes wide open for anything suspicious. But first on her agenda was to prove to everyone that she was a good person. That would probably be the hardest thing.