*You're Not Alone* If you were sitting on the other side of the lake you would have seen a boy on the verge of manhood sitting against a tree, tears freely falling down his face. This boy was none other than Harry Potter the boy who lived, or as he was now called, the chosen one. This was because of a prophecy that had been made a little before the time he was born. The prophecy was also the reason Harry had no parents. His parents had died at the hands of a mad dark wizard by the name of Lord Voldemort 16 years ago. He had survived because his mother’s love had protected him from the killing curse. Lord Voldemort had not only prevented him from having a normal childhood with his parents. But he was also the reason Cedric Diggory, his beloved godfather and now the reason for his tears, his most respected professor, Albus Dumbledore were dead. Hogwarts' headmaster professor Dumbledore had been murdered by the hands of the greasy potions master Severus Snape. Harry clenched his fists as he remembered the night. He had always suspected Snape to be nothing more than a Death Eater spy but Dumbledore had always given the idea that he had a significant reason as to why he trusted Snape. Harry couldn’t help but feel anger towards the late headmaster. "Why did he always have to be so trusting, why could he not have listened to him when he had warned him." Harry thought angrily. "I’ll kill him." Harry whispered. "I’ll kill him like he killed you." After he had ended his fiery rant about Snape, Harry’s thoughts started to drift back to the events that had taken place earlier that day. The white tomb that held his mentor was still engraved in his mind. He also thought about the fact that so many people had shown up to pay their respects to the greatest wizard of the time. “Even the people who had though him to be a mad looney”. Harry couldn’t help but think. Harry then remembered how Ron and Hermione had held on to each other for support. He smiled at how they clearly had feelings for each other everyone besides they could see. But then he thought back to Ginny. “Ginny.” he whispered softly. She was the most beautiful girl, no Harry corrected himself, woman he had ever laid eyes on. With her red, auburn hair that looked gold in the sunlight, her soft brown eyes that you could melt in and the way she could make you feel better by just being in the same room. “No.” Harry thought. “She’s safer now. It’s for her own good, even if it kills me.” But still somewhere in the back of his mind he thought couldn't help but think. “Wouldn’t she be safer with me there to protect her. Not only that, but she’s a Weasley and everyone including Voldemort knows their affection for muggles and muggleborns." “Harry!?” A voice interrupted his thoughts “There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you.” His best friend Hermione said. “Mrs Weasley was about ready too se…” Hermione stopped suddenly for Harry had just looked up and she had seen the puffy redness around his eyes. “Oh Harry, I’m so sorry” She apologized. Harry looked at her. Hermione Granger one of his two best friends since first year was looking at him with eyes filled with understanding and pity. Hermione thought still bossy was a caring, loyal and intelligent person. Though her hair was still somewhat messy it had smoothened out over the years. Hermione was for all intensive purposes the sister Harry never had. “It’s alright Hermione.” Harry replied. “I just came here to get away from everything. I mean professor Dumbledore was more than just a teacher. He was kind of like a grandfather to me and well, now that he’s dead I realize exactly how much he meant to me. Not only that but I feel like it's my fault that he’s dead. If only I hadn’t forced him to drink that horrid stuff in the cave he would have had his strength to fight the Death Eaters.” Hermione just stood there looking shocked. After all, in all the years that she had known him never once had he opened up like that. But she quickly recovered. "Harry you’re completely wrong. I know I don’t know exactly how you’re feeling and I know you don’t want me to. But you have to know Dumbledore’s death was not your fault. I also know for a fact that he loved you too. He sacrificed himself for you because of that love. I know you don’t want to here it but he was willing to fight with you to the end and so are the rest of us. You can’t stop us from loving you and you most certainly can’t keep Ron and me away. I also know that Dumbledore would want you too continue with your seventh year. We still have lots to learn about defending ourselves and fighting. You can also restart the DA. I’m betting a lot of people would want to join. They could help you with this too. Harry you know that you need all the help you can get and I have this feeling that it’s not time for you to fight him yet. Do you get it Harry. Do you understand? The order, Ron, me, and most importantly Ginny..." Here Harrys heart jumped. "...are behind you 100 percent. Remember what Professor Dumbledore said, love is your greatest power. You are not alone Harry, you have friends who will do anything for you." Hermione stopped and took a deep breath. "Hopefully this will convince him." She thought. Harry sighed. "You’re right Hermione, absolutely right. I don’t think I’ll ever really stop blaming myself for Sirius and Cedric but you’re right about coming back to school. I still have a lot of things to learn and I could use the library to research about the four founders and any of their things Voldemort might’ve used for his horcruxes." Harry smiled at Hermione. Suddenly Hermione threw herself at Harry and gave him a hug that could rival Mrs Weasley’s any day. "Ow! Hermione you’re choking me!" "Oh I’m sorry." She stepped back blushing slightly. Harry decided to take advantage of this and said, so how are things with you and Ron. As predicted her face grew a darker shade of red. You’re one to talk, what about you?" Hermione countered. "Me! Oh no me and Ron are just friends nothing more and besides i don't swing that way." Harry teased. "Very funny, you know what I mean Harry Potter." Hermione was glaring at him hands on her hips reminding him of Mrs Weasley when punishing the twins. But she let up and thankfully changed the subject. "Well we should be going back. Mrs Weasley will probably be sending a search party soon." Hermione said. He realized she probably wasn't joking so Harry followed Hermione his head held high knowing that he’d be ready for whatever came his way and cherishing the fact that he had such great friends who would go to the end of the world and back for him.