A/N- Hi everyone this is my first Harry Potter Fan fiction, I hope you like it. Oh yeah, it takes place after the fifth book and is AU now that HBP has been released. I hope you enjoy reading it -- Black Rose Angelic Wings By Black Rose Chapter One: Phoenix in the Rain A storm was raging outside. The rain was coming down hard and the wind was blowing the tress as though they were nothing more than rag dolls. Harry was sitting in the window, his emerald green gaze transfixed on the show outside. This storm was, strangely enough, exactly how he felt at that time. First his mother and father had died for him, and now his godfather: all because he couldn’t keep Voldemort away. All because he had a ‘hero-complex’ or some other such thing, as Hermione had once told him. He saw his pet owl, Hedwig, while looking outside. “Why me of all people? Because of me people die. All because of me; maybe if I disappear knew one will ever have to worry about me or worry about me getting their son or daughter killed,” he bitterly thought. He looked at his hands and made a fist. He was so angry and upset that he just felt that he should kill himself; perhaps all the problems would go away them. His anger was getting the better of him again, and he threw a punch to the window and put this hand thought it. The window shattered: he could feel the wind and rain on his hand, the bitter cold, but the cold was nothing to him now, not when compared to how he felt inside. He slowly put his hand back into the room. It was bleeding but he honestly couldn’t have cared less. He heared loud footsteps coming up the stairs and knew that Uncle Vernon wasn’t going to be at all happy about this. “More like completely furious,” Harry’s mind told him, but once again he found that it didn’t matter; he wan’t to get away from there, and fast. He didn’t care what Dumbledore said about this place being safe; he was going. Harry got up, grabbed his wand and broke through the window. He landed on the grass with a thud, got up, amazingly completely unscathed, and ran as fast as he could go. It didn’t matter about the storm, the fact that the rain was so heavy he couldn’t see anything else, or indeed anything else; the only thing that mattered to Harry at that time was that he had to get as far away from Privet Drive as he possibly could. Harry ran all the way to the park, where he stopped under a tree and closed his eyes. What he didn’t know was that a young woman was watching him the whole time. She looked about his age with long blond hair, and had on a pinkish –white dress on with a light raincoat over it. She knew who he was; she been having dream of him for years now and her mother would be pleased to have him at their home. “Is it time mother, for me to bring him.” she thought and smiled as she got her answer. She walked up to him and hoped that he would go with her without much of a fight. As she got closer she stopped and looked at him. She saw his hand, which was still bleeding, and knew that he must have been in pain, perhaps moreso than she could see. “Are you alright?” she asked in a kind voice. Harry opened his eyes to see a young woman looking at him with a worried but understanding expression on her face. “Who are you?” She just smiled. “I’m name is Creda Rose, I’ve come to help you: and before you ask I’m not with the Order,” she told him before he could ask any questions. She smiled again when she saw that he had, as predicted, just been about to ask those exact questions she had answered for him. “Harry, I’m only going to ask this once alright so please listen to what I have to say,” she asked looking down at her watch, and then up at him. Harry just nodded; he didn’t know why but he felt like it was a good idea. “Harry, I can take you way from here. My mother has asked for you, she is willing to train you, and help you with anything and everything. You wouldn’t have to worry about the Order, Voldemort, or your relatives getting in danger, and before you say that my mother and me will be in danger if you are near us… well let’s say that where we live not even Voldemort or Albus Dumbledore could ge find us, no matter how hard they tried.” Harry was surprised that she had said Voldemort’s name; most people would not even dare to utter it. He thought about her offer: everyone would be better off with out him anyway, and damn the prophecy. He could hear a voice coming their way. “It’s the Order. I should have known they would come looking for me,” he thought. “Harry! Harry, please answer us! Harry!” Tonks’ voice pierced through the rain as she looked around for him. “Harry, take my hand if you want to go with me; if not walk over to them.” Creda told him in a quiet voice. He looked at her hand and back to the Order. He saw Remus yelling for him, and then back to Creda. Her hand was reaching out to him: he just nodded and took his hand with hers; he didn’t know if this was a trap or not, but either way he didn’t care. She smiled at him. “Thank you Harry, my mother will be very happy to see you,” she told him with a polite smile. “Harry! There you are!” yelled Remus as he and Tonks ran up to them… and then stop dead in there tracks. They couldn’t move, and all they saw was Harry holding a young woman’s hand. The young woman looked at them: her eyes were glowing gold and then white. Then out of nowhere beautiful bird-like wings appeared on the young woman’s back. It was perhaps the size of a swan’s wing and it was glowing red and golden like the embers of a dying fire. The wing covered Harry and the girl and in a flash of flames they were gone. “What the hell just happened?” asked Arthur Weasley, who ran up to them just as the flames disappeared. Remus looked at the spot from which Harry had just disappeared and felt a tear trickle down his cheek. Arthur looked at Remus and then at Tonks. “Tonks, where is Harry? And what was the light? It looked like flames from were I was.” She didn’t say anything; she just looked at Remus with a caring and sad smile. She turned back to Arthur to answer his question. “We don’t know, Arthur: there was this young woman holding Harry’s hand when we got here. A pair of wings appeared on her back and covered Harry and herself: then they disappeared with a flash; that is what you saw,” Tonks explained. She put a hand on Remus’s back and hugged him. He was very upset at Harry’s disappearence and Tonks couldn’t blame him; the boy was pretty much all that he had left and now he was gone as well… Arthur couldn’t believe that Harry had just suddenly disappeared. As soon as he heard that Harry jumped out his window and ran way he got there has fast has he could: it was as if one of his own sons had disappeared. Maybe Dumbledore knew something; they needed to find Harry… and fast. “Remus, Tonks, I think it would be a good idea to talk to Dumbledore and see what he knows,” he told them. Remus and Tonks just nodded their heads and disapperated. No one knew that there was a white wolf watching as all of this occurred. As they disapperated it too walked away, back into the darkness. Dumbledore was in the kitchen at the Grimmauld place waiting for news on Harry’s disappearence. The door to the kitchen creaked open and Dumbledore turned around to see Remus, Tonks and Arthur enter the room: all three were soaking wet and had extremely worried expressions on their faces. Just then Molly Weasley walked back into the kitchen to see her husband looking very worried and scared. “Arthur, what’s wrong and what happened to Harry?” she asked as she walked over to her husband and hugged him. He didn’t say anything in reply; he didn’t know what to say. He looked over to Dumbledore and then to Remus and Tonks. Dumbledore knew something bad had happened to Harry. “Remus, Tonks, Arthur why don’t you sit down and we’ll try to answer this question; Molly how about some hot tea, that may help, don’t you say?” replied the headmaster as he took a seat at the head of the table. Mrs. Weasley nodded and started to make some tea for everyone. As soon as she was done with that she put a cup in front of everyone and then made a cup for herself and sat down. “Now, why don’t you go first Remus, and try to tell me what happened, alright?” the headmaster asked. Remus just nodded and told him what he saw, his voice wavering when he got the the part where Harry had disappeared. Dumbledore just nodded and then looked at Tonks. She then gave her part, and then Arthur. Molly was crying now and Dumbledore was in deep thought. “I had a feeling that Harry was upset about his godfather’s death, but it seems to have effected him in far worse a way than I could have anticipated.” “Dumbledore, do you have any ideas on where Harry may have gone, or who this young woman is?” asked Arthur hoped that the headmaster would have some kind of answer. Dumbledore looked at everyone around the table and shook his head; he had no idea, and the best he could do was to tell them that he would try everything to find Harry. For the first time in a very long time tears came to his eyes. At that, Ron, one of Harry’s best friends, came into the kitchen to find something to eat. He walked in he saw his father holding his mother, who was crying: he saw Tonks holding Remus, who was also crying: and for the first time in his life he saw his own headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, with tears in his normally bright blue eyes. “What happened, why are you all crying?” he yelled in panic, getting them to look at him. “Mr. Weasley, could you please go get your sister and Miss. Granger for me; there is something that we need to tell you all,” Dumbledore spoke. Ron just nodded and ran to find them. Five minutes later Harry’s other best friend, Hermione Granger, and Ron’s little sister, Ginny Weasley, walked into the kitchen: close behind was Ron. The three of them sat down in their seats and waited for someone to tell them what was going on. They knew something was wrong, and hoped that Harry was okay. The three were looking around and knew it was Harry without asking. Ron was getting very upset by then, but still no one was talking. “Bloody Hell, would someone tell us what happened to Harry before I go mad!” he yelled, having finally lost his temper at the silence. Remus looked up at Harry’s friends and nodded. He told them what had happened. They all had shocked and worried faces by the time he had finished. Hermione began to cry and Ron hugged her in an attempt to calm her down, no matter how upset he was himself. Ginny was trying to be strong but a tear still fell down her cheek. Remus saw this, got up, walked over to her and hugged her. “It’s okay Ginny, we’ll find him, I promise,” he told her, trying to believe his own words. She then started cry all out. Tonks watched them, nodded and turned to see the Dumbledore nodding as well. Ron looked around at all the people in the room. He was so mad and upset; who ever took Harry was going to pay! No one messed with his best friends and family and got away with it. He looked down at the girl he loved – but would never tell her that. “Hermione, we’ll find him, and we’ll make who ever took him pay: you have my word” he told her so only she could hear. She looked up at him and nodded her head. Dumbledore stood up and looked at everyone. “Everyone, sitting around will not help us find out where Harry is and if he is alright. I will be a Hogwarts if you need me at all” he told them and disapperated. Everyone looked at each other and nodded. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny walked back to their rooms. Remus and Tonks went to inform the Order of what had happened, while Arthur went to the Ministry to find in information on what was going on without telling anyone that Harry was gone. Molly started to make dinner for everyone; she knew she should start earlier than normal because there was going to be Order meeting later that night, and because she needed to take her mind off what had happened to Harry. Up in his room, Ron was thinking about what to do: he was getting upset that he couldn’t do anything help find his best friend. He sat down on his bed and looked out the window, though he was unable to see much as the rain was still falling from the skies. “Are you just going to wait for the order?” asked a manly voice. Ron turned around on his bed, shocked, to see a White Arctic Wolf lying there. He jumped up and pointed his wand at the wolf. The wolf just looked at him and thought. “So this is him: I see the magic in him is strong, very strong. He just doesn’t know how to get to it, this should be fun.” “Well Mr. Wesley, you goingto cast something or just stand there likea scared kitten,” the wolf said as got up off the bed, and walked up to him. “What do you want?” the redhead boy tried to ask. “I need you to listen to me, Ron, and then I will answer any questions you may have, alright?” he said as he stared at the boy with his glowing blue eyes. Ron just nodded and sat on the floor. “My name is Orion; I have come to take you and your friends. I will be training you, and then you will see Harry and fight with along side of him when the time comes.” Ron just looked at him and thought about what he just said, its not every day that you have a talking wolf in your room, but something deep down he knew he was telling him the truth. “How do you know Harry, have you seen him, is he okay?” he asked all at one time. Orion just looked at the boy in front of him and nodded. “I don’t know him, yes I have seen him, and yes he is fine were he is,” came the wolf’s reply. “Ron, I know this going to hard on you but you must believe me; we don’t have much time, will you come with me?” Ron didn’t have to think about it; if he was going to see Harry he was going and no one was going to stop him. Then it hit him: the wolf had said friends. “Yes, Ron, I said friends as in yourself, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger,” answering the question on Ron’s mind. Ron just nodded. “So will you come with me, Ron?” “Yes” Ron replied. “Thank you, Ron, lets go get Hermione. I believe that my wife has already told her about what she needs to do,” Orion said as he walked through the door. Ron got up and ran out the door to follow him. Hermione was lying on her bed crying; she was so worried about Harry she could hardly think. She heard footsteps next her bed. “Go away” she told who ever it was. “My dear child, it will be alright; Harry is safe were he is, and he’s getting the best kind of help out there,” a motherly voice to her. The voice was kind and understanding. Hermione turn her head to see a White Arctic wolf sitting next to her bed and a smaller looking one trying to jump up on the bed. “What?” she asked. Hermione was too upset to think of anything else. “Hermione, I’m name is Antonia and this is my child Aida: she is still young as you can see.” Hermione was setting up now listening to the wolf. She was finally clam. “I’m sorry, did you just say Harry was safe?” The wolf nodded. “Hermione I need you to listen to me, and after I’m done you can ask any question you want, alright?” Hermione nodded. After everything was said and done Hermione said yes, she would go; Harry needed her help and she was going to do her part. The three of them left the room and met Ron and Orion in the hallway. As Ron saw Hermione he just nodded to her and she did the same thing back. “Thank you, both with you, now we much leave and get your other friends” said Orion. Ron and Hermione looked at the family and saw that white golden wings were coming out of their sides. “Now, you two hold onto the wings,” told Orion. As soon has they touched them there was a blinding flash of white light, then they were gone. Ginny was in her room sleeping; she had cried herself to sleep out of worry for Harry: in while a flash of light woke her up. She looked at her door and covered her eyes, and then the light was gone. “What was that?” she asked herself out load. “That, my dear child, was your bother and Hermione going to their training,” replied a woman voice. Ginny turn around and saw a young woman about her age. She has long white hair with a little bit of gold in it, and was wearing a light blue dress. “Who are you and how did you get in?” Ginny asked looking around for her wand but found it next to the young woman. The other woman just giggled, took Ginny’s wand in her hand, walked over to her and handed the wand over. Ginny looked at her wand and then back to the young woman in front of her: she took her wand but didn’t point at the other girl. The young woman just giggled at Ginny. “Ginny, I need you to listen to what I have to say, and then you can ask me whatever you would like, but know this, I have only a little time here, alright?” Ginny nodded. “Alright, my name is Sera, and I’m here to ask you if you would like to be train by me, to help Harry and to help yourself?” “Harry, do you know were he is, is he alright?” Sera just smiled and nodded and thought. “My, my, she is the one; the love and power coming from her is so great that not even mother will believe this.” “Ginny, Harry is just fine and is getting the best help that he could get. Now I need to knew if you are willing to come with me to train, if not just turn around and go back to sleep?” she said holding a hand out to her. Ginny just looked at the hand and thought about it. Something about this woman made her feel safe and what she was saying was true, so she followed her heart and took her hand with hers. “Thank you, Ginny” replied Sera bending down and kissed her on the lips. Then their lips meet and pair of Angelic wings came out of Sera and covered her and Ginny. There was a flash of white light, brighter than the first one Ginny had seen: then they were gone. A/N- Thanks for reading the first chapter, I hope to have the next chapter up soon. If you have to time could you review? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again —Black Rose