DISCLAIMER: All this is JK Rowling, thank you for allowing us to dabble with your world. Harry Potter and The Heiruah: Chapter 1 A sampler of changes A steamy breeze wafted into the second floor window of number four Privet Drive where a disheveled looking young man was intently staring at a point just above the horizon. He had a quiet intensity that would've been more effective if he was wearing his wizarding robes, but as it is, his vivid green eyes behind rounded spectacles were lit up with quiet determination, his disheveled black hair seemed to stand up on end from the aura of power that emanated from him. His knuckles were white from gripping the windowsill and a wand was sticking out from his back pocket. He had to lean onto the window, he had grown several more inches in the past month and his physique was finally catching up with his height so a lean layer of muscle tensed and relaxed under his shirt. From outside Harry Potter seemed like a man contemplating suicide and his relatives could care less. Behind him was a room stripped bare of everthing that spoke of his very existence, the sheets were neatly folded, the cabinet and dresser empty, the only occupied place was his owl cage where a snowy white owl was perched as tense as her master. It was July 31st, his last day in Privet Drive, he glanced at the letter by the dresser and a rueful smile came and went from his lips as he turned back to staring at the horizon. The letter seemed apt, since he was introduced to the family with a note in his bassinet, he might as well leave with a letter on the dresser. Dear Aunt Petunia, Thank you for giving me room for the past 16 years and keeping me alive. Let it not be said that a Potter is ungrateful so I have left a sum of money in the desk drawer, hopesully it will cover the expenses I have cost you in keeping me in your home. It came from my parents, you might as well be paid. In case you are wondering you are still under the protection of the Ministry of Magic by your association with me so rest assured that you are as safe as they can make it. Thank you again and fare well. Harry Potter. He remembered how panicked Tonks was when she brought the money, he asked her to change a tidy sum of galleons into hundred pound notes. Fortunately it all fit into the desk drawer, it almost overflowed and the funny thing was it hardly made a dent in his fortune, or so Tonks said. He now had the Black fortune and Grimmauld place. He has donated it to the Order but he plans on living there for a while, since he was the soel owner, he could apparate directly into it. he also owned a quarter of Dumbledore's belongings, he still couldn't believe that his former headmaster included him in his will. Tonks did mention that there were other things there, including a leatherbound book with a red and gold phoenix crest that served as a lock. He couldn't wait to get out of here. An outside observer will merely see a still young man in the window but a riot of memories and ideas were flashing in his mind. He felt as ready as he could make himself. He has consumed several books that Dung has been coerced and bribed to procure for him on the Dark arts and Horcruxes. He managed to ask Dobby to research for him from the Hogwarts library. He has asked Tonks to supply him with the latest wizard maps and he has a tentative itinerary for the days ahead. Harry's grip has tightened on the windowsill, he even exercised in muggle fashion to prepare himself physically with his duel with Voldemort and Snape. he didn't know whom he hated more but he knew he will do them both in. Harry suddenly closed his eyes and a pained look washed over his face, unbidden the face of Ginny Weasley after their walk in the Hogwarts grounds rose before him. Her eyes were dark with emotion and her fiery hair in disarray, he did that to her, he could still remember her taste and the light flowery scent of her hair. He had to give that up, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if she comes to any more danger than she already is. His eyes opened and it was replaced by eyes lit with steady resolution. Then it happened, from the horizon was red and gold wand sparks and a crack behind him announced the arrival of an old decrepit house elf. "Kreacher is here as told." Kreacher bowed low his tufted gray ears brushing the floor and he loudly muttered. "Such shame has befallen me in my old age, my mistress!" "Please, bring my things to Grimmauld place and wait there for me." Harry had nothing but pity for the old creature but he cannot be set free. "Clean up the room I used to share with Ron and take care of Hedgwig. Go." Without another word, his house elf and trunk disappeared. Harry straightened up and without a backward glance apparated to Grimmauld place.
Ginny couldn't believe that Harry merely ignored her the whole wedding, he was more preoccupied with his brother and Hermione. She knew that her jelousy was unfounded but she was a good target anyway. Her room was in shambles with potion ingredients littering the floor and the unmade bed. Weird diagrams of cats and people in crumpled parchment was being shoved into the dustbin. Her hair was tied in a tight ponytail and her forehead was covered by a thin sheen of perspiration. She stood up and resolutely faced the mirror. I can do this...I'm not Gryffindor for nothing... She overheard her brother muttering in his sleep about Harry and their quest for ?!?Horsebushes?!? but she had to find a way to follow them somehow. She knew this much, they will be in Godric's Hollow on the 3rd of August. Ron was a horrible liar at best, the only one he could fool is mum and his brothers, she saw through the slight reddening of his ears when he asked for permission to go over Hermione's house to study early for their NEWTS, study my arse. They'll be going off and would not go back. She'll sneak in and figure out what she can do, she can't apparate yet but in her new form she could travel fast enough to get to Godric's Hollow before they arrive. They'll see. She looked at the mirror again and focused all her energy in what she was about to do, she gripped her wand and closed her eyes, with a deep breath there was a flash of white blinding light...
Potion fumes were heavy in the cramped room in Spinner's End, a hooked nose sallow skinned man was peering through his greasy hair into the steaming couldron before him. Snape was concocting a potion that only he and the Dark Lord knew about. If he understood correctly this would be the key to the Dark Lord's immortality. What troubled him was now that he had done one of the two things that the Dark Lord has not been able to do before, was he being setup for the an untimely death? If he didn't concentrate on what he's doing right now he will surely be dead. He stirred the foul concoction clockwise three times and added the shredded human brain, stirred it clockwise four times and added eight drops of winteroot. He knew that the Dark Lord has heard of the voices of dissent within the ranks of the Death Eaters, how Snape was now envied for killing the only wizard the Dark Lord ever feared, how masterfully he played the headmaster in his hands and how trusted he has been by none other than the Dark Lord. A smirk played on his sweaty face, how those purebloods panted after his position, a mere mudblood. He IS better than everyone. However, he must keep his ambition in check or the Dark Lord will grow suspicious. A frown creased his forehead, The mere complexity of this potion was enough to make even Snape suspicious. What was the Dark Lord up to? He left such complicated instructions that it was a challenge even for him. The test for its effectivity was downright evil. A pregnant monkey has to ingest it and must not die, considering the numerous poisons and dangerous incantations used for its brewing, it was a feat only he can do. There were several bodies of potion makers that he knew of that now littered the riverbank behind the Dark Lord's lair, they must have been unsuccessful. A pleased grin filled his sallow face and the potion began to form into a sick purplish mist. It was ready. As Snape prepared a gobletfull, he wondered what poor woman was drinking this and knowing the potent powers of the ingredients involved, does she know that her child is slowly losing its soul?