Chapter 2: Family Life Hope stood on her bed as she used a red marker to cross out another day on her Quidditch calendar. She capped the marker with a satisfied smile as she counted only two more weeks until she would be off to Hogwarts. She had jumped for joy on her last day of muggle school and couldn't wait to get on with her life as a witch. She almost felt sorry for all her classmates she was leaving behind as they would continue to learn about boring muggle things while she mixed potions and learned exciting spells and charms. Tossing the marker onto her desk, she settled onto her bed with her new charms textbook and huddled in the blankets as she read. Her Aunt Hermione had been nagging her to start studying since she'd finished school in June, but Hope didn't need the lectures. Although she was dying to go to Hogwarts, the truth was that she was terrified. Everyone in the wizarding world knew who her father was, and who his friends were. Everyone knew all the things Harry Potter had accomplished; everyone knew how her mother's brother had gone through school alongside Harry and faced seven years of mortal danger with him. Aunt Hermione had her fame too, and her name also brought expectations to Hope as a witch. She had an image to uphold as a Potter... All her late-night studying was partly out of curiosity, the rest was out of nerves. Every time she accidentally used magic, Hope felt relieved satisfaction. It was as close to practicing as she'd legally get and some magic was better than none. She was envious of Ben who was much younger and more frequently had magical bursts. She had asked her mother about it, but she had laughed and said it was your temper that usually caused magic, and Ben was too young to control his temper, let alone his magic. Unlocking spells and locking spells. Hope sighed and began to focus on the page in front of her, waving a pencil in the place of a wand. She had been practicing for no longer than five minutes when her door opened and Ben stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Hope?" He squeaked softly, taking a small step forward. "What's wrong?" Hope whispered back, glancing at the clock on the wall and noting it was after ten. "I had a nightmare again. Can I sit with you for a bit?" Hope nodded and Ben immediately closed the door and raced to his sister's bed. He climbed up and got under the covers, pulling them up to his neck. The fear in his expression tugged at Hope's heart strings for her little brother. "What did you dream about?" Hope asked softly, resting her book in her lap. "I don't remember... it was scary." Ben was staring at the ceiling. "Someone was chasing me." "You always dream about getting chased," Hope said thoughtfully. "When I learn Divination at school, they'll teach us about dreams and I'll tell you what it means." "What's Devenition?" Ben asked curiously. "Div-in-ation," she corrected automatically. "And its like tea-reading and stuff. Aunt Hermione told me I shouldn't take it. I think it'd be better than muggle studies." "I don't want to learn about muggles either," Ben added seriously. He yawned and turned on his side, looking at the book Hope held with heavy eye lids. "What's that book, Hope?" "My Charms book. I was reading it." Ben looked eager. "Were you learning your magic? Could you teach me?" Hope laughed. "Maybe you should teach me. I wish I did magic more like you did. Maybe then I could practice the spells from the books." Ben's eyes were closed, his dream forgotten. It took him a long moment to answer Hope. "Mummy doesn't like all my magic. Sometimes I get in trouble." Suddenly Hope's door opened again and their mother appeared, looking confused. She sighed at seeing Ben curled up beside Hope in her bed and padded softly into the room. Ginny folded her arms, a small smile on her face. "I walked past his room and saw his bed empty." Ben's eyes were open again. "I had a nightmare," he explained sadly. Ginny scooped up her son and kissed his cheek. "Do you feel any better?" Ben nodded, yawning once more. "I feel better with Hope." This made Ginny smile and Hope's cheeks turn pink. It was true that every time Ben found anything scary he ran to his sister's side. Hope thought it was sweet. Ginny rubbed at his back. "I'm glad! But how about we tuck you into your own bed so you and Hope can get some sleep?" Ben nodded sleepily, resting his head on his mum's shoulder. Ginny hugged Hope with her free arm and kissed the top of her head. "Night, angel." She noticed the spell book on her bed and raised her eye brow. "Hope, if I didn't know better, I'd say you belonged to your Aunt Hermione. Ten more minutes and then its bed time, okay?" "Okay, Mum," Hope agreed, glad that she wasn't getting lectured about not being asleep yet. "Goodnight!" Her mother murmured goodnight and carried Ben back to his room, leaving Hope to continue learning about locking and unlocking doors. With both of her kids tucked in for the night, Ginny walked down the hall and up a small flight of stairs that led to the master suite where she and Harry slept. He was already upstairs, wearing nothing but his boxers, and reading the newspaper in bed. The front page caught her attention as an evil-looking wizard struggled against his shackles in front of a court house. "Another Death Eater?" Ginny asked grimly, nodding at the picture of the man glowering at her. Harry flipped to the front cover with a resigned expression. "Pathetic, isn't it? It's been years and these people are still roaming around in a murderous rage." Ginny sighed and began to undress. She could feel Harry's eyes on her as she slipped off her pants, so with her back to him, made a bit of a show of removing her shirt and bra. Little moments of intimacy were hard to come by with two children. She then pulled on a black night dress and waved her hand at the light to dim it. Harry was smiling crookedly at her, his arms folded and the paper forgotten on the night stand beside him. Ginny smiled innocently back, raising her eyebrows as she dragged a brush through her fiery red locks. "What?" She asked him, laughing at his expression. "Minx," he chortled. "Are the kids in bed?" "Yes," she said, setting down the brush and beginning to straighten up her vanity, taking her time with organizing everything. Suddenly, Ginny was lifted off the ground and zooming backwards, landing easily in Harry's lap on the bed. Ginny laughed and then swatted at him playfully. "Harry, we've talked about this. You can't just summon me whenever you want-" his lips capturing hers quickly ended the mock-lecture. Ginny chuckled against his mouth as she stretched out on top of him and tangled her fingers in his hair. His arms held her to his body, pressing her in close to his chest as he kissed her deeply. The kiss continued like this for a few minutes until he rolled her onto her back and propped himself up to keep most of his weight off her and kissed her with more passion. A soft moan escaped her lips as Harry kissed at her jaw, her neck and then her lips again, the passion growing. Ginny smiled in bliss, tucking one arm behind her head. As he kissed down her neck again and toward her chest, Ginny's head turned toward the side in pleasure, eyes half open. The moment quickly ended when she spotted the Ministry form on the table with a bolded phrase that made her heart skip a beat. Auror Re-application forms will be due on September 2nd at 12:00 pm Shocked, Ginny sat up and reached for the papers, startling Harry. He pushed his glasses farther up his nose and touched her face, concern and mild disappointment etched in his facial features. "Gin?" Ginny read and re-read the first paragraph, feeling shock and horror in the pit of her stomach. She thrust it out toward him, searching his face. "When were you going to tell me, Harry?" Harry took the paper and coloured when he realized which papers they were. He cursed himself mentally for forgetting to put them away before she saw them. Harry sat back on his side of the bed, knowing the moment of passion was over now that she had found the Ministry's letter. "Harry?" She prompted irritably. "Gin, nothing has changed. I didn't lie before... They keep approaching me about it and this came in the mail today. I didn't ask about re-applying. They want me back, end of story." Ginny stared at him, pulling her legs up to the chest. "Do you want to go back? It seems it's all anyone can talk about. It's all over the news! Gossip about your return to the Aurors..." she ran her fingers distractedly through her long hair. Harry folded the letter up and placed it on top of The Daily Prophet. "I swore to you that I would do what was best for this family," he told her honestly. "I've considered it, but Quidditch is the healthier choice, so for right now, no I'm not going back." "What do you mean right now?" Her voice was bitter as she glared at Harry. Harry hesitated, wondering how much he should tell her, considering the Ministry didn't have much evidence that something was happening. "It means there's reason to believe there's something going on because the Death Eaters seem... more odd than normal. Nothing's happened yet but the Aurors have a bad feeling." Ginny got on her knees and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Harry, this isn't your fight. Voldemort was your fight because it was in the prophecy, but this one... this revolt is not. Leave it to the Ministry. Please, Harry." She looked at him pleadingly. "You've got Hope and Ben to think about now. If you ever got hurt... if anything happened to you... how could I tell them that their father won't be coming home?" Harry tentatively pulled her toward him, half-afraid that she'd push him away. Thankfully, she came easily into his arms. "I know," he murmured, holding her tight. "I don't mean to upset you... I'm sorry. I just get really anxious about all of you. If there was an attack and I didn't do anything to protect you three?" He shook his head. "I'd feel responsible for not doing anything." Her expression softened immediately and she touched his face gently. "We need you here, Harry. And you're not an Auror anymore, you play Quidditch. Please, please promise me you won't run off to battle." Harry nodded, a lump in his throat. "Alright," he agreed quietly. "I promise."