A/N I own nothing you recognize. I am James Potter. I am famous, and I have done nothing to earn it. I hate it. Yes, you have probably guessed it by now. My father is Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, The One, The Savior of the Wizard and Muggle World.Whatever you want to call him. Whatever. Whenever I go somewhere, I am always ambushed with fake admirers and fake friends. It gets old. I am always asked, “James, it must be so cool to have Harry Potter as your father. I wish I was you!” Trust me. No you don’t. It’s like being one of those Muggle celebrities. No privacy. Ever. My mother is Ginerva Weasley-Potter. She goes by Ginny Potter. Of course I have to call her Mother. I have one brother, Albus Severus. We call him Al. He is eight years old. Everytime I come home for break, he is always digging into my stuff, especially my wand. I prefer to be at school where I am treated like everyone else. The Slytherins still hate the Gryffindors, even after the War. Some things, apparently, never change. I am fifteen, and I go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am, of course, in Gryffindor, as my father, mother, both grandmothers, both my grandfathers, and probably all the Potters and Weasleys before them. My best friends are Kadeline, Hattie, and Ian. They, I know, like me for who I am. I know, as I have a, umm, talent. I have never shared this with anyone, so pay attention. I can, in a sense, read people’s emotions. I can understand what they are thinking, through their emotions. A kind of Muggle psychic, I guess. My family is just a bunch of misfits and freaks that will never fit in. I am sick of fame. Once I get out of school, I am changing my name and starting over. A real life. Unlike my brother, I was not cursed with my father’s emerald eyes. I have my mother’s eyes. This is luck for me because when I create my new life, no one will identify me as a Potter. Of course, my hair might give the impression that I am a Weasley, but maybe I will move to America. I swore to myself, I would make a new life for myself, and that is what I plan to do. That is the only reason I keep going every day, counting down the days until I turn seventeen. I cannot wait to get out of this trap called a life my parents have created for me. I leave for Hogwarts in two weeks. Summer has been long and fame-filled. Brilliant. I don’t understand why I have to be famous. Why me? The odd thing is that I have never actually heard my father’s story from him. I have heard little bits from people’s thoughts and old newspapers, but never from the actual people who were there. Also, the funny thing about my talent, it never works on people who have sacrificed something. I don’t mean like a piece of chocolate or butterbeer or anything like that. I mean like a blood sacrifice. If they have spilled their own blood or given up something to save someone, I cannot touch them with my powers. “James!” My mother’s soft voice called. “What?” Great. I can have no time for myself. “Come here.” My father did not have to yell, his deep voice carried through the whole house. “Coming!” I said, letting my annoyance shine in my voice. I put my quill and parchment down on my desk, left my room, and locked my door. This had become a habit when I came home so that my pesky brother wouldn’t get into my stuff. “Do you think this is the right thing to do?” I heard my mother ask my father quietly. “It’s now or never. I don’t want him to live in ignorance.”My father replied quietly, though his voice still carried. I decided that I didn’t want to have to pretend I didn’t hear anything, so I didn’t. “Ignorance of what?” “James!” “That’s what you named me.” “James, be respectful to your mother!” “Sorry father.” “ Now. Sit down.” I sat. “It’s time you heard your father’s story.” I groaned. “James Sirius Potter! This story is my life and the reason your sorry a,” “Harry! Let me handle this. We agreed that you wouldn’t lose your temper, remember?” “As long as you keep your half of the bargain.” “I know.” “ I’m sorry, James. Long day at work. Trainees. Please continue Ginny.” “Anyway. Your father and I know that this is going to be a hard time in your life, and that you will probably hear many rumors about your father, and some about me and some even about you.” “I've heard all I need to know from others." So it was a lie. Sue me. "Can I leave now?” My father’s eyes lit up, and I could tell I made him mad. I smiled inside. “Harry! Temper! No, James, this time there is more. This time, you will hear the whole story. Now, this is..... hard for your father. You might not understand what he went through, but try to understand, please.” My mother begged me before leaving the room. A/N ok , I was posting this on FanLib.com, but they shut down, :(((((( so I moved here. I was thinking about it, and I decided to get this story up to date with my other one. So here we go!